Resources to Help You

Failing an interview doesn’t suggest you are a bad developer but rather you have scope for improvement and you can further improve your skills . Let us look at some resources that can help you on your journey:

  • Practice Platforms: Sharpen your algorithmic skills on online platforms like w3wiki, LeetCode, HackerRank, or InterviewCake. These platforms offer a vast array of coding challenges that mimic real interview scenarios.
  • Mock Interviews: Simulate the interview experience with friends, colleagues, or online services. Practice explaining your thought process and coding solutions under pressure.
  • Coding Communities: Connect with other developers online or in meetups by joining communities. Share your interview experiences, learn from others success and failures that is what are the dos and don’ts. You can also join communities which are related to interview preparation.
  • Books and Courses: Invest in books like “Cracking the Coding Interview” or online courses from platforms like w3wiki that provide in-depth explanations of algorithms, interview techniques, and practice problems.

I Failed the Coding Interview, But Here’s What I Learned

We’ve all been there. You spend weeks prepping, researching the company, and practicing your algorithms. Then, the dreaded email arrives: “Thank you for your interest…” It is a very saddening experience, but here’s the secret most developers won’t tell you: failing a coding interview is a valuable learning experience.

This article here isn’t to sugarcoat the disappointment. I know that rejection hurts. But by shifting our perspective, we can transform it into a powerful tool for growth.

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