Properties of Eigenvalue

Consider a square matrix A with eigenvalues λ1, λ2 … λn

  • The determination of A is a product of all its eigenvalue. [det(A) = λ1 × λ2….λn]
  • Matrix A is invertible if and only if every eigenvalue is non-zero.
  • Eigenvalue of real symmetric and Hermitian matrices are equal.
  • Eigenvalue of real skew-symmetric and skew Hermitian matrices are either pure or zero.
  • Eigenvalue of unitary and orthogonal matrices are of unit modulus |λ| = 1.
  • Eigen value of A-1= 1/λ1,1/λ2,… 1/λn.
  • Eigen value of Ak = λk1, λk2, …. λkn
  • If A and B are two matrices of the same order then the eigenvalue of AB = Eigenvalue of BA.
  • If a square matrix A is a lower/upper triangular matrix, then its eigenvalue will be the diagonal elements of the matrix.

How to determine Eigenvalues of a Matrix?

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