Pressure Sensor

It measures the pressure applied on any surface. It works on the principle of like piezoelectric, resistive and capacitive. When the pressure is applied, it is converted into the electrical signals.

Pressure Sensor

It finds its application in variety of industry like aerospace, automotive, etc. Accuracy and reliability are important characteristics of pressure sensors as they are frequently relied upon to measure accuracy and safety in many applications. The ability to measure altitude can improve performance, efficiency and safety in many applications.

Sensors in Electrical Engineering

Sensors are the detection devices of the digital world. It senses the physical change in the environment and converts the sensed data into machine-readable or understandable language. The sensors are of two types i.e., analog and digital sensors. As the name suggests, an analog sensor provides analog values which is a set of infinite values. On the other hand digital sensor converts the data into digital signals which is a set of finite values. There are various types of sensors that are being used in various fields like the automation industry, healthcare sector, and many more.

In this article, we will study sensors, types, and practical applications.

Table of Content

  • Important Terminologies
  • Classification of Sensors
  • Types of Sensors
  • How Are Sensors Used?
  • The Future of Sensor Technology
  • Applications
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

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Important Terminologies


Classification of Sensors

There are various terminologies in relation to the sensors. Important terminologies are listed below:...

Types of Sensors

There are several classifications of the sensor based on the various factors like power, detection methods, conversion phenomena, output data etc. Let’s study the classifications in more detail....

Ultrasonic Sensor

Based on the above classifications, there are a variety of sensors having their unique purpose. We will study some of the important sensors in detail....

Proximity Sensors

An ultrasonic sensor is a sensor that uses low-frequency sound waves (ultrasonic waves) for distance measurement, object detection, and obstacle avoidance....

Infrared Sensor (IR Sensor)

It is also known as proximity switch. It is developed to detect the presence of an object within a certain range. It emits the beam of radiations and then detects the change in the field due to the presence of any object. There are various types of proximity sensors:...

Temperature Sensor

IR sensor can detect and respond to the IR radiations. IR radiations are the type of electromagnetic radiations which has longer wavelength than visible light. It is used in the fields like detecting presence of any object due to their temperature variations....

Smoke and Gas Sensors

It is used to measure the temperature and convert it into readable electrical signal. This sensor is used in RTDs, thermistors, and thermocouples....

Touch Sensor

Smoke and gas sensors are used to detect the presence of the smoke and dangerous gases. They are very important in ensuring the safety at home and industries....

Pressure Sensor

It is also known as tactile sensor. It enables the device to respond to the physical touch when applied by the user. It is commonly used in smartphones. It works on the principle of the pressure. There are variety of touch sensors. Some of them are listed below:...

How are Sensors Used?

It measures the pressure applied on any surface. It works on the principle of like piezoelectric, resistive and capacitive. When the pressure is applied, it is converted into the electrical signals....

The Future of Sensor Technology

We are using sensors in our everyday life nowadays. Their main function is to identify, measure and convert physical, chemical or biological signals into electronic or digital signals. Sensors are used in:...


The sensor technology is advancing day by day and will lead in the improvement of the following:...

Advantages and Disadvantages

Automotive Industry: It is used in the automotive industry where it is used in lot of applications like parking assistance, obstacle detection, engine temperature measurement, and monitoring engine performance, etc. Consumer Electronics: Sensor finds its application in consumer industry like, smart phones, gaming interactions, turning off the screens during phone calls, and autorotation, etc. Healthcare: Sensors finds its wide applications in the healthcare sector. It is used in measuring heart rate, pulse, blood sugar levels, and thermometers, etc. Industrial Automation: It is used in industrial automation where it is used in monitoring hydraulic and pneumatic systems, robotic arms position detection and conveyor belts, etc. Agriculture: It is used to optimize irrigation, monitoring weather conditions, watering of the plants, and tracking the farming equipment, etc....


Some of the advantages and disadvantages of sensors are:...

Frequently Asked Questions

In this article, we have seen that the sensors are used in various fields currently. They are revolutionizing the industries. The sensors are used in various fields, making human reach possible, while earlier it is not possible. The sensors collect the data, process it, and convert it into the machine understandable language, which helps to store the data, and further data analysis can be done to study the trends. Sensors will provide us smarter and more sustainable future....

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