Practice Questions on Z Score

Q1. A class of 100 students took a math test. The mean score is 75 with a standard deviation of 10. What is the Z-score of a student who scored 85 on the test?

Q2. In applied physics, students measure the time it takes for a ball to fall from a certain height. It is 3 seconds with a standard deviation of 0.5 seconds. If a student measures a fall time of 2.2 seconds, what is the Z-score for this measurement?

Q3. A company is conducting an employee compensation audit. The average salary is 50,000 with a standard deviation of 8,000. What is the Z-score of an employee with a salary of 56,000?

Q4. A doctor is measuring the height of a child to compare it with a group of children of the same age. The height of this group is 120 cm and the standard deviation is 5 cm. If the child is 130 cm tall, what is the Z-score for this measurement?

Q5. In a study of test anxiety among students, the average test anxiety score was 60 with a standard deviation of 10. If a student scores a test anxiety score of 75, what is the Z-score of this score?

Z-Score Table

Z Score Table is the table for determining the probability of a standard normal variable falling below or above a certain value. Z-score table, also known as a standard normal table or z-score Table, is a mathematical table that provides the area under the curve to the left of a z-score in a standard normal distribution. The standard normal distribution is a bell-shaped curve with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

The z-score table is used to find the probability that a random variable from a standard normal distribution will fall below a certain value. In this article, we will learn about the Z Score Table in sufficient detail and also learn how to use the Z Score Table in numerical problems.

Table of Content

  • Z-Score Formula
  • What is a Z-Score Table?
  • Z-Score Table
  • How to Use a Z-Score Table?
  • How to Interpret z-Score?
  • Applications of Z Score
  • Example of Z Score
  • Practice Questions on Z Score

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Z-Score Formula

Z= X- μ/σ Where, Z is the Z-score. X is the value to standardize. μ is the mean of the distribution. σ is the standard deviation, which measures the spread of the data....

What is a Z-Score Table?

A chart or database containing pre-calculated values assigned to particular Z-scores is known as a Z-score table. Finding the probability that a random variable from a typical normal distribution will go below or above a specific Z-score is made easier....

Z-Score Table

The z-score table is divided into two sections: negative z-scores and positive z-scores. The negative z-scores are below the mean, while the positive z-scores are above the mean. The rows and columns of the table define the z-score, and the table cells represent the area. For example, the z-score 1.50 corresponds to the area 0.9332, which is the probability that a random variable from a standard normal distribution will fall below 1.50....

How to Use a Z-Score Table?

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How to Interpret z-Score?

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Applications of Z Score

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Example of Z Score

Example 1: If the Z-score is 1.5. Find the probability that a randomly selected data point falls below this Z-score....

Practice Questions on Z Score

Q1. A class of 100 students took a math test. The mean score is 75 with a standard deviation of 10. What is the Z-score of a student who scored 85 on the test?...

Z-Score Table – FAQs

What is a Z-Score?...

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