Parsing table

After the construction of the parsing table, if for any non-terminal symbol in the table we have more than one production rule for any terminal symbol in the table column the grammar is not LL(1). Otherwise, then grammar is considered as LL(1).  

Rules for construction of parsing table:

Step 1: For each production A → α , of the given grammar perform Step 2 and Step 3.  

Step 2: For each terminal symbol ‘a’ in FIRST(α), ADD A → α in table T[A,a], where ‘A’ determines row & ‘a’ determines column.

Step 3:  If ε is present in FIRST(α) then find FOLLOW(A), ADD A → ε, at all columns ‘b’, where ‘b’ is FOLLOW(A).  (T[A,b])

Step 4: If ε is in FIRST(α) and $ is the FOLLOW(A), ADD A → α to T[A,$].

The assumption made in code:  

a) LHS symbol of First rule is considered as start symbol.

b) ‘#’ represents epsilon symbol.

Compiler Design LL(1) Parser in Python

In this article, we are going to see how to design LL(1) Parser compiler using Python.

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Parsing table

After the construction of the parsing table, if for any non-terminal symbol in the table we have more than one production rule for any terminal symbol in the table column the grammar is not LL(1). Otherwise, then grammar is considered as LL(1)....


There are seven functions and the driver code, they together execute the calculations. Code takes grammar rules as input. The user is required to determine which symbols are terminals (list: term_userdef) and which are non-terminals (list: nonterm_userdef). Code is executed on the sample set 5 for demo purpose as shown in code, this grammar has left recursion, function computeAllFirsts() is called. This function is responsible for calling functions removeLeftRecursion() and LeftFactoring(). These functions work on the above-mentioned rules respectively. Now, first() function is called for every non-terminal. The recursive logic implemented is purely based on mentioned rules of FIRST computation only. Base condition of first() is whether an epsilon or terminal symbol is present, for every non-terminal code enters a recursive logic and if the FIRST has multiple symbols, a list is returned else a string is returned. Therefore, in between lines of code are just making the program type-safe. FIRST computation is the prerequisite for FOLLOW computation as follow() function has multiple calls to first() function. A start_symbol is the LHS symbol of First rule given in the ‘rules’ list. (This can be modified), For FOLLOW computation computeAllFollows() function is called. This leads to the calling of follow() function on all non-terminals. follow() function has recursive logic with a base condition being, the function called on start_symbol which will return $ symbol. Rest all conditions are handled as per the above-mentioned rules in FOLLOW computation. For the target non-terminal all rules are traversed and required firsts and circular follows are calculated. All of the intermediate results are accumulated during traversal and the final list of computed follow is returned at the traversal end. Here also, the base case returns a string, but if there are multiple symbols in the result, a list is returned. Therefore, in between extra lines of code are added for type safety. After FIRSTs and FOLLOWs are calculated, createPaseTable() function is called. Here firsts and follow are outputted in a formatted way. Then for parse table 2D list named ‘mat’ is prepared, non-terminals form rows and terminals form columns, with ‘$’ as an extra column. Above mentioned rules for the construction of the parsing table forms the foundation for logic implemented....

Approach for String Validation

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