Parameterize IN Clause PL/SQL

  • Parameters in PL/SQL can contain the IN, OUT, IN OUT clause. IN clause represents that argument value will be passed from the outside. IN clause is used in parameters of both PL/SQL Parameterized Function and PL/SQL Parameterized Procedure.
  • It is considered the default mode to pass a parameter. The actual Parameter is passed as a reference (i.e. parameter refers to the same memory location) using the IN clause.
  • It allows to make the queries flexible and code becomes easier to maintain. Parameters with IN clause allow to pass values as per requirements.
  • The parameter of the function or procedure contains the variable first then the IN clause and then the data type of the variable.


DECLARE                    (optional section)
--Declaration section
--Declare variables and subprograms.
BEGIN (required section)
-- Queries
--Execution section
EXCEPTION (optional section)
--Exception section


The PL/SQL block structure consists of three essential sections:

  1. DECLARE Section (Optional): This section is used for declaring variables and subprograms that will be utilized in the subsequent execution section.
  2. BEGIN Section (Required): The core of the PL/SQL block, where queries and statements are placed to execute actions or operations.
  3. EXCEPTION Section (Optional): If included, this section addresses exception handling, providing a mechanism to manage errors that may arise during the block’s execution.

The entire structure is encapsulated between the keywords DECLARE and BEGIN, with an optional EXCEPTION section for error handling, culminating with the END keyword marking the conclusion of the block.

Parameterize IN Clause PL/SQL

PL/SQL stands for Procedural Language/ Structured Query Language. It has block structure programming features.PL/SQL supports SQL queries. It also supports the declaration of the variables, control statements, Functions, Records, Cursor, Procedure, and Triggers.

PL/SQL contains a declaration section, execution section, and exception-handling section. Declare and exception handling sections are optional. Every PL/SQL query contains BEGIN, and END keywords. We can nest blocks in PL/SQL. It supports anonymous blocks and named blocks. Anonymous blocks are not stored in the database while named blocks are stored.

In this article, we will cover the Parameterize IN clause in PL/SQL. IN clause is used to test expressions in SQL which the PL/SQL also supports.IN clause is used in the Procedure and Function parameter. Procedure and Function come under the named block.IN clause is considered the default mode to pass a parameter.

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Parameterize IN Clause PL/SQL

Parameters in PL/SQL can contain the IN, OUT, IN OUT clause. IN clause represents that argument value will be passed from the outside. IN clause is used in parameters of both PL/SQL Parameterized Function and PL/SQL Parameterized Procedure. It is considered the default mode to pass a parameter. The actual Parameter is passed as a reference (i.e. parameter refers to the same memory location) using the IN clause.the It allows to make the queries flexible and code becomes easier to maintain. Parameters with IN clause allow to pass values as per requirements. The parameter of the function or procedure contains the variable first then the IN clause and then the data type of the variable....

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Parameterize IN clause in PL/SQL allows to pass the value from outside. It is considered as default mode to pass a parameter. Parameters are passed as reference using IN clause.By considering the syntax ,developers can use Parameterize IN clause to develop flexible and reusable code....

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