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Difference between Dry Cough and Wet Cough

The difference between dry cough and wet cough lies in the presence of mucus. A dry cough is a non-productive cough that does not produce any mucus or phlegm in our body. It is caused by irritation and inflammation of the respiratory airway.

A wet cough produces mucus or phlegm and can be caused by different types of illness affecting our respiratory system. In this article, we are going to discuss the difference between dry cough and wet cough in detail.

Table of Content

  • Dry Cough
    • Dry Cough Symptoms
  • Wet Cough
    • Wet Cough Symptoms
  • Difference Between Dry Cough and Wet Cough
  • Other Related Difference Article Links
  • FAQs – Difference Between Dry Cough and Wet Cough

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FAQs – Difference Between Dry Cough and Wet Cough

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