Ohm’s law and Kirchoff’s law

Ohms law proposed by Georg Simon Ohm that provides the relationship between the total current flowing in a conductor and the total voltage across it. It states that the current in the circuit is inversely proportional to resistance and directly proportional to the voltage of the circuit.

It is given by

 V = I*R 
V = voltage
I = current through the circuit 
R = total resistance of the circuit.

Resistors in Series

Resistors are devices that obstruct the flow of electric current in the circuit. They provide the hindrance to the path of the current which flows in the circuit.

A resistor is a two-terminal electrical component that works by reducing the flow of charge and voltage levels in the circuit. Most of the circuits have one or more resistors to oppose the flow of current and balance the circuit. Most commonly there are two combinations of resistors – Resistors in Series and Parallel.

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Ohm’s law and Kirchoff’s law

Ohms law proposed by Georg Simon Ohm that provides the relationship between the total current flowing in a conductor and the total voltage across it. It states that the current in the circuit is inversely proportional to resistance and directly proportional to the voltage of the circuit....

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