Major Difference

To understand the major difference between the two design concepts, take an example of old instagram logo and new instagram logo. As the name of the app suggests the app contain something related to instant and telegram. The app is related to image or photo sharing. So the old logo was designed in such way that it represented a polaroid camera that are famous for instant photo processing. Whereas the new logo was just a simple modification of a previous complex logo.

To get more clarity on the above difference refer the below image depicting instagram logo comparison:
So, skeuomorphic designs replicates real world elements, while flat design embraces abstraction and simplicity.

Difference Between Skeuomorphism and Flat Design in UI

Skeuomorphic designs were used to rule the UI design system in earlier days. Today how outdated it may look but this design has made the user familiar with the ways real-world elements are incorporated in interfaces because of which a paradigm shift from skeuomorphism to flat designs happened easily.

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What is Skeuomorphism?

It is a design approach created to mimic real-world elements in the digital environment. As the design style was too close to the objects of real world, it gave the feeling of familiarity to the user. This enhanced the experience while using the interface resulting in better and faster task completion. Skeuomorphic designs can be recognized by the icon style of iPhone during its earlier stage, around 2007....

What is Flat Design?

Flat design is a newest approach after skeuomorphism. As the generation flourished and has toward modern era also created some changes in users perspective to see a design. In real world also they started to like object with cleaner and simple designs, less colors. Today most of the time users are on screen in which vibrant colors became much strainful for them for longer duration. This resulted in the shift UI design. All of these changes resulted into design system called flat design which took a minimalistic approach. This is design contains a hierarchy, sober and subtle colors with less gradients. Body contains less lines making the frame more simple and less stressful to eyes. This approach eliminated the textured, three-dimensional elements found in skeuomorphism....

Major Difference

To understand the major difference between the two design concepts, take an example of old instagram logo and new instagram logo. As the name of the app suggests the app contain something related to instant and telegram. The app is related to image or photo sharing. So the old logo was designed in such way that it represented a polaroid camera that are famous for instant photo processing. Whereas the new logo was just a simple modification of a previous complex logo....

Why To Use?


Key Benefits


Skeuomorphism vs. Flat Design in UI

Condition Skeuomorphism Flat Design Visual Style It uses real-world textures and 3D effects Uses flat, 2D elements and clean lines with minimal gradients Complexity This design is highly complex as often visually complicated and detailed Complexity is low as these design are simplistic and minimalistic Platform Adaptability May not adapt well to different screen sizes Adaptable and responsive to various devices Trendiness These designs are less preferred by people today due to complexity, high clutterness etc. Popular between designers and marketers. Due to simplistic to look and enhance loading of interface Engagement Increases interaction between user and system as it gives a feeling of familiarity Users has to first understand the system to interact. Hence, resulting in less engagement...


In this trend of UI Design, choosing and saying one of the above two design approach is superior to the other won’t be giving justice to both the designs. Instead of asking which one is great our question must be which one will suit are project, our audience as skeuomorphic design can bring an element of familiarity and engagement, while flat design prioritizes clarity and simplicity. In the end, a great UI design means an application with a functional user experience parallel to its visually appealing style....

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