
Lex is a tool or a computer program that generates Lexical Analyzers (converts the stream of characters into tokens). The Lex tool itself is a compiler. The Lex compiler takes the input and transforms that input into input patterns. It is commonly used with YACC(Yet Another Compiler Compiler). It was written by Mike Lesk and Eric Schmidt.

What is LEX in Compiler Design?

In this article, we will understand what is Lex in Compiler Design but before understanding Lex we have to understand what is Lexical Analysis.

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Lex is a tool or a computer program that generates Lexical Analyzers (converts the stream of characters into tokens). The Lex tool itself is a compiler. The Lex compiler takes the input and transforms that input into input patterns. It is commonly used with YACC(Yet Another Compiler Compiler). It was written by Mike Lesk and Eric Schmidt....

Function of Lex

1. In the first step the source code which is in the Lex language having the file name ‘File.l’ gives as input to the Lex Compiler commonly known as Lex to get the output as lex.yy.c....

Lex File Format

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