Initiatives Taken in India to Address the Gender Gap

The following initiatives are being taken in India to address the gender gap:

  • Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna: Through the opening of bank accounts, girls have gained economic empowerment.
  • Mahila Shakti Kendra: Aim to provide rural women with employment and skill-development possibilities.
  • Mahila Police Volunteers: It requires the recruitment of Mahila Police Volunteers in States and Union Territories to serve as an intermediary between the police and the community and help women who are in need.
  • Rashtriya Mahila Kosh: Rashtriya Mahila Kosh is the primary microfinance agency that provides low-income women microcredit on favorable conditions for various kinds of livelihood and revenue-generating projects.
  • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao: It ensures a girl child’s safety, survival, and education.
  • Female Entrepreneurship: The government has launched programs such as the Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Programme (ESSDP), Stand-Up India, and Mahila e-Haat (an online marketing platform to empower women entrepreneurs/SHGs/NGOs). There are now Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas in Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs).
  • Political Reservation: In Panchayati Raj Institutions, the government has reserved 33% of the seats for women.

Global Gender Gap Report 2023 – UPSC Highlights

Global Gender Gap Report 2023 has been released recently by the World Economic Forum (WEF). This is the 17th edition of the Global Gender Gap Report. India is ranked 127th out of 146 countries in the Global Gender Gap Report 2023. In comparison to the 2022 report, India’s overall score increased by eight spots and 1.4 percentage points in 2023.

Since 2006, countries have tracked their progress in reducing gender inequalities through the WEF’s Global Gender Gap Report, which is the longest-running index. The report provides a mechanism for tracking gender disparities in the fields of politics, economics, health, and education and aims to help leaders identify areas that require action.

In this article, we will look into the most recent Global Gender Gap Index Rankings 2023 and the key findings from the WEF Global Gender Gap Report.

Table of Content

  • What is the Global Gender Gap Index?
  • Objectives of the Global Gender Gap Index
  • Key Highlights of the Global Gender Gap Report 2023
  • India’s Performance in the Gender Gap Report 2023?
  • Initiatives Taken in India to Address the Gender Gap
  • Key Highlights of the 2021 Global Gender Gap Report
  • Why Global Gender Gap Report is in the News?

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Conclusion – Global Gender Gap Report 2023

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