Dynamic Column Reference Leads to Fewer Errors

The critical contrast between INDEX MATCH and VLOOKUP is that VLOOKUP requires a static section reference while INDEX MATCH utilizes a powerful segment reference. With VLOOKUP, the vast majority will include a particular, static number to show which section they need to get back from. At the point when you use INDEX MATCH, the recipe permits you to physically pick which section you need to pull from.

The explanation this prompts fewer blunders is on the grounds that when you follow the INDEX MATCH linguistic structure, you click straightforwardly on the field containing the worth you need to return.


With the VLOOKUP language structure, you determine your whole table exhibit, AND THEN you determine a section reference to show which segment you need to pull information from.


It’s a little contrast, however, this extra step without a doubt prompts more blunders. This mistake is particularly predominant when you have a huge table cluster and need to outwardly count the number of sections you need to move over. At the point when you use INDEX MATCH, no such counting is required.

The following two benefits of utilizing INDEX MATCH likewise come from the way that VLOOKUP requires a static segment reference input for the qualities you need to return. If it’s not too much trouble, note that you could get around the static reference issue by utilizing an equation inside the VLOOKUP punctuation, making a mix recipe like VLOOKUP MATCH or VLOOKUP HLOOKUP. Notwithstanding, it’s a lot more straightforward just to learn INDEX MATCH and gain every one of the extra advantages past having dynamic section reference.

Insert Column Immunity

The best advantage of utilizing INDEX MATCH over VLOOKUP is the way that, with INDEX MATCH, you can embed segments in your table exhibit without misshaping your query results. Any time you work with a huge dataset, there’s a decent opportunity you’ll have to return to alter our sections and possibly embed another segment. With VLOOKUP, any embedded or erased section that uproots your return values will change the aftereffects of your equations.

Take the VLOOKUP model beneath. Here, we’ve arranged the equation to pull the State esteem from our information table. Since it is a VLOOKUP recipe, we have referred to the fourth section.


If we insert a column in the middle of the table array, the new result is now “Bangalore”; we are no longer pulling the correct value for State and must change the column reference.


INDEX MATCH as an embed section insusceptibility, so you can embed and erase segments without stressing over refreshing each related query equation.

Easier to Drag and Copy

While working with enormous datasets, it’s uncommon to compose only a solitary query recipe; you’re probably going to have to drag and duplicate your equation to numerous cells to play out different queries. For instance, suppose that for a particular ID, I need to return a progression of values from my table precisely as per the pattern in which they show up in the table. At the point when I attempt to drag and duplicate the standard VLOOKUP equation across (with a reference lock on both the query esteem and the table cluster), the query doesn’t work since it simply pulls a similar incentive for every passage. This lack is again brought about by VLOOKUP requiring a particular section reference input for your bring values back.


With INDEX MATCH, since you can set the return section to drift (basically by not reference locking it) the return segment will move as you duplicate your equation over, giving you the various fields as they show up.


No Array Restriction

One more key impediment of VLOOKUP is that it expects you to determine a square table cluster wherein your segment reference can’t move past. The key circumstance when this turns into an issue is the point at which you add another field to your dataset past your unique table cluster. Consider the model beneath:

Assuming we add another segment to this dataset, we can’t utilize my unique VLOOKUP recipe to pull values from that new section. In the event that we change my section reference to “6” the recipe returns a mistake on the grounds that my table is just 5 segments wide. To make the recipe work, we need to refresh the table exhibit we determined each time we add another segment.

With INDEX MATCH, you don’t have to determine a table cluster and hence don’t deal with this issue.

Right to Left Lookup

One of the vital advantages of utilizing INDEX MATCH is having the option to make query keys on the right half of your information table. New query keys are for the most part made by running estimations on fields inside your unique dataset. These keys address your query segment inside the INDEX MATCH language structure. While utilizing INDEX MATCH, you can add these new query keys to the right half of your table and play out an option to-passed on the query to pull the qualities you need to return. The INDEX MATCH punctuation doesn’t mind whether your query segment is on the left or right half of your bring section back.

With VLOOKUP, on the grounds that you can play out a left-to-right query, any new query key you add should be on the left half of your unique table cluster. Thusly, every time you add another key, you need to move your whole dataset to one side by one segment. In addition to the fact that this is irritating, it can obstruct existing recipes and computations you’ve made in your calculation sheet.

Doubles as an HLOOKUP

This likely isn’t the greatest arrangement for most clients, however, it’s as yet worth focusing on. A VLOOKUP limits you to just performing vertical queries on a table cluster. I can’t, for instance, query values across the highest point of my dataset and play out a flat query. To accomplish this goal, I’d have to utilize something else altogether.

With INDEX MATCH, you can basically organize both your query exhibit and return cluster evenly to play out an HLOOKUP. I don’t suggest doing flat queries as a general rule, yet on the off chance that you at any point need to, you ought to utilize the INDEX MATCH recipe.

Lower Processing Need

The handling advantage of utilizing INDEX MATCH has been underestimated in ongoing adaptations of Excel on the grounds that the product’s handling capacities have extended so remarkably. Be that as it may, simply give everybody a concise history example I’ll expand upon this advantage. In a portion of Excel’s more seasoned renditions, the product had unmistakable handling constraints that would be observable on the off chance that you constructed an immense informational index. In certain circumstances, I was expected to query values for a great many lines so I could add another section to a huge table. When I added these recipes, the product would freeze up and require a few minutes to work out the bring values back. I ultimately needed to supplant my VLOOKUP recipes with INDEX MATCH to accelerate the estimations.

The justification behind this distinction is very straightforward. VLOOKUP requires serious handling power from Excel in light of the fact that it needs to assess the whole table cluster you’ve chosen. With INDEX MATCH, Excel just needs to think about the query segment and the bring section back. With fewer outright cells to consider, Excel can handle this recipe a lot quicker.

Once more, if it’s not too much trouble, remember that this advantage is most likely as of now not observable given the upgrades made in Excel’s handling power. In any case, if under any circumstance you really want to run a large number of query recipes inside a calculation sheet, try to utilize INDEX MATCH.

Why INDEX MATCH is Better Than VLOOKUP in Excel

While choosing which vertical query recipe to utilize, most Excel specialists concur that INDEX MATCH is a preferable equation over VLOOKUP. Be that as it may, many individuals actually resort to utilizing VLOOKUP in light of the fact that it’s a less difficult recipe. One significant driver of this issue is that a great many people actually don’t completely grasp the advantages of changing from VLOOKUP, and without such comprehension, they are reluctant to contribute an opportunity to gain proficiency with the more mind-boggling equation. The motivation behind this post is to exhaustively every one of the advantages of utilizing INDEX MATCH and persuade you that you ought to utilize INDEX MATCH solely for your upward queries as a whole.

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