Implicit Type Casting Examples

Implicit type casting happens automatically by the programming language. It converts a value from one type to another without any explicit instruction from the programmer. Here are some examples:

Integer to Floating Point:


int_num = 5
float_num = int_num  # Implicitly converts int to float

Smaller Data Type to Larger Data Type:


int num = 10;
double result = num;  // Implicitly converts int to double

Character to Integer:


char letter = 'A';
int ascii_value = letter;  // Implicitly converts char to int

Boolean to Integer:


bool flag = true;
int num = flag;  // Implicitly converts bool to int

Implicit and Explicit type casting

In programming, type casting is a way to convert data from one type to another. Implicit type casting happens automatically, while explicit type casting requires manual intervention. This article explores the differences between implicit and explicit type casting, their uses, benefits, and considerations in programming.

Table of Content

  • What is Type Casting?
  • Implicit Type Casting
  • Explicit Type Casting
  • Implicit Type Casting Syntax
  • Explicit Type Casting Syntax
  • Implicit Type Casting Examples
  • Explicit Type Casting Examples
  • Best Practices for Type Casting

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Implicit Type Casting:

In implicit type casting, the programming language automatically converts data from one type to another if needed. For example, if you have an integer variable and you try to assign it to a float variable, the programming language will automatically convert the integer to a float without you having to do anything....

Explicit Type Casting:

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Implicit Type Casting Syntax:

In implicit casting, the conversion happens automatically by the programming language without the need for explicit instructions from the programmer....

Explicit Type Casting Syntax:


Implicit Type Casting Examples


Explicit Type Casting Examples


Best Practices for Type Casting:


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