Implementation of tf.GradientTape

To use tf.GradientTape effectively, you need to follow these basic steps:

  1. Define your variables – Define your variables and tensors that you want to compute gradients with respect to, and optionally mark them as trainable or watch them manually.
  2. Create a tf.GradientTape – Create a tf.GradientTape context and define your function or model inside it. The tape will record the operations on the watched variables and tensors.
  3. Call the tape.gradient() method – Call the tape.gradient() or tape.jacobian() method to compute the gradient or jacobian of your function or model with respect to your variables or tensors. You can also specify a source tensor to multiply with the gradient or jacobian, which is useful for implementing chain rule or custom gradients.
  4. Use the computed gradient – Use the computed gradient or jacobian to print the result, update your variables or tensors, or perform other calculations. You can also create a persistent tape to reuse it for multiple gradients or jacobians, but remember to delete it manually when you are done.

Here are some exapmles of using tf.GradientTape to compute gradients and jacobians:

Example 1: Computing the gradient of a scalar function with respect to a scalar variable

Using this example let’s understand how to compute the gradient of a scalar function [Tex]y = scalar^2[/Tex] with respect to a scalar variable scalar using TensorFlow’s tf.GradientTape functionality.

  • In the first step, a scalar variable scalar is defined and initialized with a value of 3.0.
  • Next, a tf.GradientTape is created within a context block. This tape records all operations that involve the defined variable scalar. Within the context of the tape, the scalar variable scalar is squared, and the result is stored in the variable y.
  • After defining the computation, the tape.gradient() method is called to compute the gradient of the variable y with respect to the scalar variable scalar.


# Importing tensorflow
import tensorflow as tf
# Step 1: Define your variables
# Defining a scalar variable
scalar = tf.Variable(3.0)
# Step 2: Create a tf.GradientTape
# Creating a tape
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
  y = scalar**2
# Step 3: Call the tape.gradient() method 
# Calling the tape.gradient() for computing the gradient of y with respect to scalar
dy_dx = tape.gradient(y, scalar)
# Step 4: Use the computed gradient
# Use the compute gradient for printing the gradient as an output


tf.Tensor(6.0, shape=(), dtype=float32)

Example 2: Computing the jacobian of a vector function with respect to a vector variable

Let us calculate the Jacobian matrix of a vector-valued function using TensorFlow’s tf.GradientTape.

Firstly, a vector-valued function my_function is defined, which takes a 1D input x and returns a 2D output containing the square of the first element and the sine of the second element. Then, input values x are defined as a constant tensor. Next, a tf.GradientTape context is initiated with the option persistent=True to enable multiple gradient computations. Inside the tape context, the function my_function is called with the input x, and the jacobian() method is used to compute the Jacobian matrix of the function with respect to x.


import tensorflow as tf
# Define the vector-valued function
def my_function(x):
    return tf.stack([x[0] ** 2, tf.sin(x[1])], axis=0)
# Define the input values
x = tf.constant([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
# Use tf.GradientTape() to compute Jacobian matrix
with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
    y = my_function(x)
# Compute Jacobian matrix
jacobian = tape.jacobian(y, x)
print("Input values (x):", x.numpy())
print("Function values (y):", y.numpy())
print("Jacobian matrix:\n", jacobian.numpy())


Input values (x): [1. 2. 3.]
Function values (y): [1. 0.9092974]
Jacobian matrix:
[[ 2. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. -0.41614684 0. ]]

tf.GradientTape in TensorFlow

TensorFlow is an open-source library for data science and machine learning. It provides various tools and APIs for building, training, and deploying models. One of the core features of TensorFlow is automatic differentiation (autodiff). Autodiff is the process of computing the gradients of a function with respect to its inputs. Gradients are the slopes or rates of change of a function. They are useful for optimizing the parameters of a model, such as weights and biases. TensorFlow provides the tf.GradientTape API for autodiff.

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