Human Endocrine System

The human Endocrine system consists of Endocrine glands and hormones-producing cells and tissues. It is composed of ​the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, parathyroid, thymus, and gonads (testis and ​ovary). And some organs like the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, heart, etc., also produce hormones. Let us discuss the major endocrine glands and their functions in detail in the following section:

NCERT Notes for Class 11 Biology Chapter 19: Chemical Coordination and Integration

NCERT Notes Biology Class 11 Chapter 19 Chemical Coordination and Integration: ​The study of chemical coordination and Integration forms an important part of human physiology. Chemical coordination, integration, and regulations in the human body are carried out by special chemicals called hormones. Regulation, growth, ​and development of our organs, the endocrine glands, and cells are carried out by hormones.

Here, in Chapter 19 of Biology Class 11 NCERT Chemical Coordination and Integration, we will study the Human endocrine system, Hormones, and their mechanism of action.

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Human Endocrine System


The Hypothalamus

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Functions of Pituitary Gland Hormones

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Pineal Gland

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Thyroid Gland

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Adrenal Gland

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Mechanism of Hormone Action

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FAQs on Chemical Coordination and Integration

Q1: Define Hormones....

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