How to Connect to the database?

If we want to perform Database testing then the very first thing we have to do is to Connect to the database. Now let’s understand how to Connect to the database. To connect to a database from a Java application, we use JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), a Java API for connecting and executing SQL queries on a database. These are some steps to connect with the database using JDBC.

Step 1: Load the JDBC Driver: Load the JDBC Driver: With the help of the Class.forName() method, we will load the JDBC Driver for our database. This is the very first step.


Step 2: Establish a Connection: We will use DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL, user, password) method to establish the connection to the database. Here URL, user, and password are the parameters that are being passed into the given method.

Stringdatabase URLL = “jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/org”; //Database URL – Contains jdbc , localhost, port & org is name of database

String user = “root”; // username

String password = “root@123”; // password

connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL, user, password);

Step 3: Execute SQL Queries: Once the connection is set up, we can start running SQL commands. These commands can be things like fetching data (SELECT), adding new data (INSERT), updating existing data (UPDATE), or removing data (DELETE).

Step 4: Process the Results: If our SQL query gives back some data (like with a SELECT query), we can get that data from the result set and work with it however we want.

Step 5: Close the Connection: At last, we will close the database connection using the connection.close().

Now Let’s Understand how to perform Database Testing Using Java Selenium and TestNG through an example.

Database Testing Using Java Selenium and TestNG

Database testing is very important in software testing because every application has a database that stores data. In this article, we will learn about Database testing Using Java Selenium and TestNG.

Table of Content

  • What is Database Testing?
  • How to Perform Database Testing Using Selenium and TestNG?
  • How to Connect to the database?
  • Example of Database Testing Using Selenium TestNG

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