Google Cloud Armor Components

Google Cloud Armor works by providing network-layer protection for applications running on Google Cloud. It uses the following components to secure applications:

  1. Global Network: Cloud Armor uses Google’s global network to provide high availability and low latency protection for your applications.
  2. Custom Rules: You can create custom rules to control access to your application based on various attributes such as IP address, URL, HTTP method, and header values.
  3. Threat Intelligence: Google uses its global network and threat intelligence to automatically block malicious IP addresses and prevent security threats.
  4. Request Logging and Analysis: Cloud Armor provides detailed request logs that can be used for traffic analysis, security analysis, and auditing.
  5. IP Whitelisting and Blacklisting: You can control access to your application by allowing or denying traffic from specific IP addresses or address ranges.
  6. Automatic IP Blocking: Google’s threat intelligence is used to automatically block malicious IP addresses and prevent security threats.
  7. Integration with other Security Services: Cloud Armor integrates with other Google Cloud security services, such as VPC Service Controls, Cloud Web Security Scanner, and Cloud Security Command Center, to provide a comprehensive security solution for your applications.

Google Cloud Armor

Pre-requisite: Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Armor is a Security Service provided by Google Cloud that protects internet-facing applications from cyberattacks and unauthorized access. It provides network-layer protection for applications running on Google Cloud. It uses Google’s global network and threat intelligence to secure applications against various types of cyberattacks. It provides a layered security approach to safeguard against various threats, including DDoS attacks, SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and others.

Cloud Armor offers features such as IP whitelisting and IP blacklisting, custom rules for access control, request logging and analysis, and automatic IP blocking for security threats. These features help protect applications against unauthorized access, protect against data theft or compromise, and ensure application availability during traffic spikes or security incidents.

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Key features of Google Cloud Armor

IP Whitelisting and Blacklisting: You can control access to your application by allowing or denying traffic from specific IP addresses or address ranges. Custom Rules: You can create custom rules to control access based on various attributes such as IP address, URL, HTTP method, and header values. Request Logging and Analysis: Cloud Armor provides detailed request logs that can be used for traffic analysis, security analysis, and auditing. Automatic IP Blocking: Google’s threat intelligence is used to automatically block malicious IP addresses and prevent security threats. Global Network: Cloud Armor uses Google’s global network to provide high availability and low latency protection for your applications. DDoS Protection: Cloud Armor provides protection against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which can cause significant downtime and impact the availability of your application. HTTPS Load Balancing: Cloud Armor integrates with Google’s HTTPS Load Balancer, which provides end-to-end encryption and SSL termination for your applications. Integration with other Security Services: Cloud Armor integrates with other Google Cloud security services, such as VPC Service Controls, Cloud Web Security Scanner, and Cloud Security Command Center, to provide a comprehensive security solution for your applications....

Google Cloud Armor Components

Google Cloud Armor works by providing network-layer protection for applications running on Google Cloud. It uses the following components to secure applications:...

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Use Cases for Google Cloud Armor

Protecting Web Applications: Cloud Armor can be used to protect web applications from various types of cyberattacks, such as DDoS attacks, SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and others. IP Whitelisting: You can use Cloud Armor to control access to your application by allowing traffic only from trusted IP addresses or address ranges. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: Cloud Armor provides detailed request logs and traffic analysis that can help organizations meet various compliance and regulatory requirements. Protecting API Endpoints: Cloud Armor can be used to protect API endpoints from unauthorized access and prevent data theft or compromise. Protecting Online Services: Cloud Armor can be used to protect online services, such as e-commerce sites, from security threats and ensure high availability during traffic spikes or security incidents. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: Cloud Armor provides protection against DDoS attacks, which can cause significant downtime and impact the availability of your applications. Enhancing Application Security: Cloud Armor integrates with other Google Cloud security services, such as VPC Service Controls, Cloud Web Security Scanner, and Cloud Security Command Center, to provide a comprehensive security solution for your applications....

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