Features Of Cloud Spanner & Traditional Databases

The following are the features of Cloud Spanner and Traditional Databases:

Cloud Spanner

  • Globally Distributed: Desig for the global applications, offers the a single database that can span multiple regions.
  • Horizontal Scaling: Can scale out across many servers to manage high transaction rates and large number of data.
  • Strong Consistency: Provides strong consistency across distributed databases without compromise the performance.
  • Fully Managed: A managed service that handles maintenance, replication, and scale automatically

Traditional Databases

  • Local or Regional: Typically hosted in a single location or region.
  • Vertical Scaling: Limited to scaling up (adding more resources to a single server) which has its limits.
  • Consistency: Strong consistency within a single database instance.
  • Manual Management: Often requires manual setup and management for replication, backups, and scaling.

Cloud Spanner vs. Traditional Databases

Cloud Spanner and traditional databases represent two distinct paradigms in the world of data management. While traditional databases adhere to well-established relational models and are typically deployed on single nodes, Cloud Spanner offers a distributed, horizontally scalable approach to database management. This allows Cloud Spanner to deliver higher levels of performance, global scalability, and strong consistency across geographically distributed data, making it particularly suited for modern, cloud-native applications that require global reach and high concurrency.

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