Featured in Google Cloud Command-line interface

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool for managing GCP resources and services from the command line. Here’s what it offers:

  • Resource Management: Google Cloud provides virtual machines, storage buckets, databases, and various other GCP resources that can be created, managed, removed, and modified.
  • Service Interaction: Connect or establish a connection with the different GCP services, like BigQuery, Cloud Storage, Kubernetes Engine, and Compute Engine.
  • Deployment: Access tools like Cloud Functions, App Engine, and Cloud Run to deploy and manage the applications on the GCP infrastructure.
  • Monitoring: Keep an eye on and evaluate the functionality and condition of your GCP services and resources.
  • Security: To ensure safe operations, manage permissions and access control for GCP resources.
  • Networking: Manage and configure networking components, including subnets, firewall rules, VPNs, and virtual private clouds (VPCs).
  • Integration: Take advantage of APIs and SDKs to integrate GCP services with external tools and systems.
  • Automation: Scripting and automation features can be used to automate workflows and routine tasks.
  • Cost Management: For the best possible spending, keep an eye on and manage the GCP resource costs.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Available for several operating systems (OS), providing administrators and developers options, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

How To Install GCP CLI In Linux, Windows ?

The gcloud, or Google Cloud Platform Command-Line Interface (CLI), simplifies organizing and managing the resources for GCP and provides many features and services. Users manage infrastructure continuously through continuous integration with GCP offerings like compute engines, cloud storage, and Kubernetes engines. The ability to script continuous processes with automation tools improves resource administration consistency and efficiency. Provides more security features to ensure that operations are safe and that help and documentation are available for all users. The GCP CLI, in its entirety, enables users to manage GCP resources, services, and infrastructure from the command line effectively. This article will teach us how to install the gcloud cli on Linux and Windows OS.

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