Decolonisation of Africa

When was Africa decolonized?

Africa was decolonized at the cold war era in mid 1950s to 1975 beacuse it is a continent and it is comprised of 54 indiviual countries .They got the independence from thier European colonial rulers .

What are the factors of the decolonization of Africa?

The factors of decolonization of Africa are World War II was a major factor in the decolonisation of Africa. Britain and France, the main colonial powers in Africa, were broke after WWII and simply could not afford to keep their colonies and America was turning into a superpower, while Britain was on the wane.

Which African country was never colonized?

Ethiopia and Liberai were the only African countries that were never colonized by Europeans.

Who invaded Africa first?

The Portuguese were the first Europeans to establish a physical presence in Africa, in the 1480s, but through the 1870s European outposts were restricted to ports along the African coasts focusing on trade and diplomacy.

Why was 1960 called the year of Africa?

1960 called the year of Africa because of a series of a events that took place during the year mainly for the Independence of seventeen African nations that were colonized by the Europeans.

Decolonisation in Africa (1951-1980)

Decolonisation of Africa was the period after World War II when the European countries gave up control of their African colonies and these territories became Independent Nations. It happened between the mid-1950s to 1975. Decolonization has become a crucial chapter in African history and impacts its political landscape, economy, and society even today. Africa faced many challenges after gaining Independence like building and forming New governments, addressing economic inequalities, and dealing with the legacy of colonialism.

In this article, we are going to learn about Decolonization in Africa, its positives and challenges. Let’s start.

Table of Content

  • About Decolonization of Africa
  • List of Independence of Various African Nations Since 1951
  • Scramble for Africa
  • Historical Background of Decolonization of Africa
  • Causes of the Decolonization of Africa (Internal and External)
  • Aftermath of Decolonization of Africa
  • African Independence

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List of Independence of Various African Nations Since 1951


Scramble for Africa

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Historical Background of Decolonisation of Africa

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Causes of the Decolonisation of Africa (Internal and External)

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Effects of Decolonization in Africa

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Aftermath of Decolonisation of Africa

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African Independence

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Portugal was the first colonizer who colonized African countries. They colonized it due to its resources like gold, spices, diamonds and land. Colonizers took control over African land, resources and trade. The independence movement in Africa’s resistance to colonization began early but gained momentum in the mid-20th century. Independence movement involves peaceful protests, and boycotts and sometimes it turns into armed struggles....

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