Examples of PL/SQL Raise Exception

The below example is demonstrating the use of user-defined exceptions in a real-world scenario. It illustrates how to create a table, a PL/SQL procedure, and handle exceptions related to a specific business rule (salary limit).

Step 1: Create a employee table

CREATE TABLE employee (
emp_name VARCHAR2(50),
emp_salary NUMBER

Step 2: Create a Procedure with an Exception

p_emp_id NUMBER,
p_emp_name VARCHAR2,
p_emp_salary NUMBER
emp_salary_limit EXCEPTION;
-- Check if the salary is within the allowed limit
IF p_emp_salary > 100000 THEN
-- If not, raise a user-defined exception
RAISE emp_salary_limit;
-- Insert the employee details into the table
INSERT INTO employee(emp_id, emp_name, emp_salary)
VALUES (p_emp_id, p_emp_name, p_emp_salary);

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee inserted successfully.');
WHEN emp_salary_limit THEN
-- Handle the user-defined exception
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error: Employee salary exceeds the allowed limit.');

This procedure will check if the p_emp_salary is greater then 100000 then it will raise a user-defined exception(emp_salary_limit) else it will insert a new record into a employee table.

Step 3: Run the Procedure

emp_id_param NUMBER := 101;
emp_name_param VARCHAR2(50) := 'John Doe';
emp_salary_param NUMBER := 120000;
insert_employee(emp_id_param, emp_name_param, emp_salary_param);


Statement processed. high salary
Error: Employee salary exceeds the allowed limit.

Now trying to insert new record with low salary.

emp_id_param NUMBER := 101;
emp_name_param VARCHAR2(50) := 'John Doe';
emp_salary_param NUMBER := 10000;
insert_employee(emp_id_param, emp_name_param, emp_salary_param);


Statement processed.
Employee inserted successfully.

PL/SQL RAISE Exceptions

PL/SQL stands for Procedural Language Extension to the Structured Query Language and it is designed specifically for Oracle databases. It extends Structured Query Language (SQL) capabilities by allowing the creation of stored procedures, functions, and triggers. It is a block-structured language that combines SQL with the procedural features of programming languages. In this article, we will learn about RAISE Exception in PL/SQL with its syntax, types, and examples.

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1. User-Defined Exception

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2. Internally Defined Exception

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Examples of PL/SQL Raise Exception

The below example is demonstrating the use of user-defined exceptions in a real-world scenario. It illustrates how to create a table, a PL/SQL procedure, and handle exceptions related to a specific business rule (salary limit)....


Pl/SQL is a Procedural Language that is used to write program blocks, procedures, functions, cursors, triggers for databases. It provides a Raise exception feature that is used to handle errors in a structured and efficient manner. You can use predefined exceptions, custom exceptions, or referring to the current exception to ensure the code handles unexpected situations....

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