Examples of Lognormal Distribution

Example 1:

The daily website visitors of a small blog follow a lognormal distribution with a mean of 50 visitors and a geometric standard deviation of 1.1. Calculate the variance of the daily website visitors.


To find the variance σ2 we will use the formula for the variance of a lognormal distribution:

Accordng to the given information, we have:

  • σ2 is the variance
  • μ = 50
  • σ = 1.1

putting these values in the formula we get,

σ2 = 21.1829

∴ Variance of the daily website visitors is approximately 21.1829.

Example 2:

The population of a village follows a lognormal distribution with a median population of 1,000 and a geometric standard deviation of 1.2. Calculate the mean (average) population of the village.


To find the mean population μ, you can use the formula for the mean of a lognormal distribution:

Accordng to the given information, we have:

  • μ is the mean you want to find.
  • μ’= ln1000
  • σ= 1.2

putting these values in the formula we get,

μ = 2051.27

∴ the mean population of the village is approximately 2,051.27.

Lognormal Distribution in Business Statistics

In business statistics, Lognormal Distribution is a crucial probability distribution model as it characterises data with positive values that show right-skewed patterns, which makes it suitable for various real-world scenarios like stock prices, income, resource reserves, social media, etc. Understanding Lognormal Distribution helps in risk assessment, portfolio optimisation, and decision-making in fields, like finance, economics, and resource management.

Table of Content

  • Probability Density Function (PDF) of Lognormal Distribution
  • Lognormal Distribution Curve
  • Mean and Variance of Lognormal Distribution
  • Applications of Lognormal Distribution
  • Examples of Lognormal Distribution
  • Difference Between Normal Distribution and Lognormal Distribution

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