Examples of JUnit 5 – @BeforeAll

Example 1 :

Let us take an example, we have written a test for the String Handler class to check whether the given string is empty or not


//Class to test String trim method
public class StringHandler {
    //To Perform operations on the input string
    public static String manipulateString(String input) {
          // Trim the input string
        return input.trim(); 

Now we write a test case for it to check whether the given String is empty or not

In the above code, I take a string value and remove white spaces by using the trim() string function then return that string value.


// Testing file to test the manipulate
// String Class 
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
//Testing Class
public class StringTest {
    private static String testString;
    // This method is executed once before any of the test methods in the class
    static void init() {
        // Manipulate the input string and store it in the testString variable
        testString = StringHandler.manipulateString("  Hello, GFG!  ");
        // Print the manipulated test string
        System.out.println("Test String: '" + testString + "'");
    // Test whether the manipulated string is not empty
    void testStringNotEmpty() {
        // Print a message indicating that the testStringNotEmpty test is being run
        System.out.println("Running testStringNotEmpty...");
        // Assert that the manipulated test string is not empty
        assertTrue(!testString.isEmpty(), "The string should not be empty");
    // Test whether an empty string is indeed empty
    void testStringEmpty() {
        // Print a message indicating that the testStringEmpty test is being run
        System.out.println("Running testStringEmpty...");
        // Create an empty string for the test and assert that it is empty
        String emptyString = "";
        assertTrue(emptyString.isEmpty(), "The string should be empty");


Test String: 'Hello, GFG!'
Running testStringNotEmpty...
Running testStringEmpty...

Explanation of the above Program:

In the above code, I created one static method for @BeforeAll,

  • this static method is mandatory for work with @BeforeAll annotation.
  • The @BeforeAll is checked first before all test cases are run.
  • Only once after that, I create the testStringNotEmpty() function testing if the string is empty or not then return the Running testStringNotEmpty as output.
  • After that, I created another testStringEmpty() method for if the string is empty it will return Running testStringEmpty() as an output you can observe the below output.

Example 2 :

Simple Java class to check whether a person is eligible to vote or not based on their age.


//Class to determine VotingEligibility
public class VotingEligibility {
      //Biz-logic for VotingEligibility method
    public static String checkEligibility(int age) { 
      // checking the age of the person
        if (age >= 18) {
          // if age is elibible then this block executed
            System.out.println("Person is eligible to vote.");
            return "Eligible to vote";
          else {
          // if age is not eligible then this code is executed
            System.out.println("Person is not eligible to vote.");
            return "Not eligible to vote";

  • In the above code, I try to check whether the person is eligible to Vote or not based on the above condition (age >=18).
  • If the person’s age is less than 18 then the else block is executed.
  • If the age is greater than 18 then the if block code is executed and print the Appropriate Output.


//TESTING file to test the VotingEligibility Class
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
//Testing class for VotingEligibility
public class VotingEligibilityTest {
    // Variables to store the results of the voting eligibility checks
    private static String resultEligible;
    private static String resultNotEligible;
    // Method to perform setup operations before any of the test methods in the class
    static void init() {
        // Check the eligibility for a person with age 25 and store the result
        resultEligible = VotingEligibility.checkEligibility(25);
        // Check the eligibility for a person with age 16 and store the result
        resultNotEligible = VotingEligibility.checkEligibility(16);
    // Test method to check if a person is eligible to vote
    void testEligibleToVote() {
        // Print a message indicating that the testEligibleToVote test is being run
        System.out.println("Running testEligibleToVote...");
        // Assert that a person with age 25 is eligible to vote
        assertEquals("Eligible to vote", resultEligible, "Should be eligible to vote");
    // Test method to check if a person is not eligible to vote
    void testNotEligibleToVote() {
        // Print a message indicating that the testNotEligibleToVote test is being run
        System.out.println("Running testNotEligibleToVote...");
        // Assert that a person with age 16 is not eligible to vote
        assertEquals("Not eligible to vote", resultNotEligible, "Should not be eligible to vote");


Person is eligible to vote.
Person is not eligible to vote.
Running testEligibleToVote...
Running testNotEligibleToVote...

Explanation of the above Program:

In the above code, I created three methods for testing purposes the static method is for @BeforeAll annotation.

  • The testEligibleToVote() method is used to check whether a person is greater than 18 or not if it is true then this returns output as Running testEligibleToVote.
  • The other method is used for testNotEligibleToVote() is used for printing messages if the given age is not eligible to vote.

JUnit 5 @BeforeAll Annotation with Examples

JUnit 5 is the unit testing framework in Java, and it is not a tool rather the JUnit 5 framework contains a set of tools and libraries that are used to write and run test cases. The Junit 5 Framework was introduced in 2017, This was developed by Kent Beck, Erich Gamma, David Saff, and Kris Vasudevan. Its Operating System is cross-platform and this framework is written in Java. This Framework makes it easier to extend the framework, and we can able integrate with other testing frameworks also, In JUnit 5 several new Annotations are introduced those are @BeforeAll, @AfterAll, @BeforeEach, @AfterEach, @TestFactory, @DisplayName, @Disabled, @Nested, @Tag. Among these annotations, I give Information about @BeforeAll annotation.

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@BeforeAll in JUnit 5

@BeforeAll is an annotation that is announced in the JUnit 5 framework, The @BeforeAll is used to signal that the annotated method should be executed before all test cases. And @BeforeAll methods are executed only once for assigned test cases. One more thing is that it should be used with the static method in the test class.Now I provide the basic syntax of the @BeforeAll annotation below please follow the syntax for better understanding....

Examples of JUnit 5 – @BeforeAll

Example 1 :...

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