Drawbacks of Skeuomorphic Designs

Despite designs being attractive and improving user experience the drawbacks can’t be ignored, there are some important points that we must consider before implementing such designs

  • Clutter: Overusing such designs creates clutter on the application’s UI and destroys user experience with unnecessary details and designs.
  • Impact on the device: Such designs demand unwanted usage of both memory and processor which may slow down the device put pressure on other sensors and result in long-term problems with the device and applications.
  • Overdoing Skeuomorphic designs: Implementing these designs on simple applications is not always suitable, it is always recommended to avoid it in unwanted situations, example these designs may not be meaningful for your phone’s Weather application as this doesn’t have only one single physical counterpart and is expected to keep it simple.

What Is Skeuomorphism?

Skeuomorphism is a word derived from two Greek terms “skeuos” (meaning container or a tool) and “morphē ” (meaning shape), it’s a concept of implementing real-life elements into the digital world to create a sense of familiarity or resemble a real-life object in the digital world.

What Is Skeuomorphism?

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Applications of Skeuomorphic Designs

User Interface Design: Skeuomorphic designs are highly employed in designing interactive user interfaces to create user-friendly experiences and designs, elements such as buttons, sliders, and icons are mostly inspired by real-world elements. Mobile Applications and Gaming: Mobile applications need textures, colours, shadows and animations and hence these designs are implemented to make the platform more realistic and interactive making the users feel more connected to the digital platforms. The most common reason brands add such designs is to give the user a sense of premium-ness of the product or to introduce a sense of familiarity with the real-life objects. Another field where Skeuomorphic designs are implemented is the gaming industry where real-life objects like TVs, cars, wallpapers, and background scenery are frequently used to represent real-life objects which enhances the user’s overall gaming experience.These designs help in improving the learning curve of the users who are unfamiliar with a specific digital working environment or a tool, these graphics help in bridging such gaps. Iconography: Icons play a very pivotal role in “user interfaces” and designers always try to make icons more recognizable and relatable, the biggest example is the “Recycle Bin” icon on all operating systems that mimics a waste bin in real life....

Drawbacks of Skeuomorphic Designs

Despite designs being attractive and improving user experience the drawbacks can’t be ignored, there are some important points that we must consider before implementing such designs...

Skeuomorphism vs Flat Design

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In con, caution Skeuomorphic designs are being implemented on a very large scale trying to bring the digital world close to the objects of real life, they are used to enhance user experience and also add an essence of premiumness for the users. It’s not wrong to consider “Flat Designs” as a creative outcome of Skeuomorphism....

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