Discrete Variable v/s Continuous Variable


Discrete Variable

Continuous Variable


Discrete variables are the variables that take only exact values and not fractional values. Continuous variables are the variables that can take every possible value whether it is integral or fractional in a specified given range.

Change in Values

The value of discrete variables increases in complete numbers. The value of continuous variables can increase in complete numbers as well as in fractions.

Data Collection

The data is collected by counting in the case of a discrete variable. The data is collected by measurement in the case of a continuous variable. 


The number of students in a college is a discrete variable as they cannot be expressed in fractions. The height of students in a class is a continuous variable as they can be measured in numbers as well as in fractions. 

Concept of Variable and Raw Data

The data collected by an investigator is in raw form and cannot offer any meaningful conclusion; hence, it needs to be organized properly. Therefore, the process of systematically arranging the collected data or raw data so that it can be easy to understand is known as the organization of data. With the help of organized data, it becomes convenient for the investigator to perform further statistical treatments. The investigator can also compare the mass of similar data if the collected raw data is organized systematically. 

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Discrete Variable v/s Continuous Variable


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