Different Scientific and Common Name of Maize

Some common name of maize along with scientific name are as follows:

Common Name

Scientific Nmae

Maize (Corn)

Zea mays

Sweet Corn

Zea mays (var. saccharata)


Zea mays (var. everta)

Flint Corn (Indian Corn)

Zea mays (var. indurata)

Dent Corn (Field Corn)

Zea mays (var. indentata)

Flour Corn

Zea mays (var. amylacea)

Pod Corn

Zea mays (var. tunicata)

Maize, known scientifically as Zea mays, is known by various local names in different regions around the world. Some of the local names for maize:

  1. Corn: Maize is commonly known as “corn” in the North America. This term is also used in some other English-speaking countries.
  2. Maíz: In Mexico and other spanish speaking countries maize is often called “maíz”. In Mexico, it’s a staple crop.
  3. Makai or Makka:In parts of South Asia and in India, maize is known as “makai” or “makka.”
  4. Jagung: Maize is known as “jagung.” in Indonesia and Java.
  5. Choclo: In parts of South America, especially in countries like Peru and Bolivia, maize is called “choclo.”
  6. Sorghum or Guinea corn: Maize is known as “sorghum” or “Guinea corn,” in some African countries and especially in West Africa.
  7. Mielie or mielie pap: In South Africa, maize is often called “mielie,” and it’s a key component of “mielie pap,” a traditional porridge.
  8. Milho: Maize is known as “milho” in Brazil and Portugal.

Scientific Name Of Maize

Zea mays is the scientific name of maize. Zea mays belongs to the plant genus Zea and is a member of the Poaceae family, commonly referred to as the grass family. It originated in Mexico, where it was domesticated from a wild grass called teosinte. There are numerous varieties and cultivars of maize, each adapted to specific growing conditions and uses. Common types include dent corn (used for animal feed and processed foods), sweet corn (eaten as a vegetable), popcorn (used for making popcorn snacks), and flint corn (known for its hard, colorful kernels).

Table of Content

  • What is The Scientific Name of Maize?
  • Maize Taxonomy
  • Different Scientific and Common Name of Maize
  • Common Species of Maize in India

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