Difference From Other Evolutionary Processes

Convergent Vs Divergent Evolution

In Divergent Evolution from a common ancestor two or more species were developed. Two different species developed from the same ancestors. But they are Anatomically the same.

But in the convergent evolution from two or more ancestors some different species developed. But they share a common trait between them. Here, in the case of convergent evolution, some new species developed from their independent ancestors.

Convergent Vs Parallel Evolution

Parallel Evolution is the process where from the same ancestor same species developed in a different environmental system. The species are closely related to each other & their ancestors were also the same.

But in Convergent Evolution two different species developed from two different ancestors. But those ancestors were in the same environmental system which triggers these changes.

Convergent Vs Co-Evolution

Co-Evolution is the process where two or more species interact with each other & influence their evolutionary process.

But in the case of Convergent Evolution, the ancestor species just live in the same environment. They don’t interfere with any evolutionary process. They evolved independently of each other.

Convergent Evolution

Evolution is a developing process. It is a continuous & immortal process by which new species take place in nature. Evolution is a process where from an existing creature a new completely different creature evolved. In every living thing, evolution can be observed. Though evolution takes millions of times to create a new species, but still in the present time also, evolution is the key force that maintains nature. Scientists believe that there are many types of evolution present. Among them, Divergent Evolution is the major one. But others also are responsible for creating new species. Among others, Convergent Evolution is next to the Divergent Evolution.

Types of Evolution

There are four types of the evolutionary process is present. They are:

  1. Divergent Evolution
  2. Convergent Evolution
  3. Parallel Evolution
  4. Co-Evolution

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FAQs on Convergent Evolution

Question 1: What is Analogous Structure?...

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