Difference Between WebScokets & Long Polling



Long Polling

Communication Type

Full-duplex bidirectional

Simulated bidirectional

Connection Establishment

Persistent connection

Repeatedly opened and closed


Low (real-time updates)

Variable (depends on polling frequency)

Server Load

Lower due to persistent connections

Potentially higher due to open connections


Requires native support

Compatible with standard HTTP

Firewall & Proxy Support

May face challenges

Firewall and proxy-friendly

WebSockets Protocol and Long Polling

As one facet of net development, real-time access Among consumers and servers has now become an important step in creating interactive web programs as well as mouth-watering. Request-reaction mechanisms, even flexible and powerful as they are, may not be suitable for circumstances that call for rapid data transfer or coffee latency time. Fortunately, two famous techniques handle precisely these demands: WebSockets and Long Polling. In this article, we will look into the details of every protocol and examine their respective advantages/disadvantages while considering which applications are best suited.

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Long Polling

An alternative method is Long Polling, and it’s especially suitable for scenarios involving real-time messaging where native WebSockets support cannot be achieved. In Long Polling, the client sends an inquiry to the server-side. The open request must keep it waiting until there are new results or a timeout has occurred. When a new piece of data is received or the timeout period has been reached, the server responds to the client and this cycle continues in turn....

Difference Between WebScokets & Long Polling



WebSockets and Long Polling alike provide answers to the problem of how to achieve real-time communications in web applications. The former offers superior advantages with tradeoffs at different levels; the latter provides optimal efficiency but suffers from premature memory release while offering immediate response time, both costly for developers. Arbitrating between protocols obviously depends on such issues as application character, the network environment and your WebSocket service support. Trying to get the best of both worlds With technology constantly advancing, developers must carefully assess their own projects in order to determine how they wish expand face-to-face communication into real time....

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the WebSockets protocol, and how does it range from traditional HTTP?...

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