Difference Between Nagara and Dravidian Temple Architecture

Both the Nagara and Dravidian styles of Hindu temple architecture are beautiful and complex. The Nagara style is typically found in northern India, while the Dravidian style is typically found in southern India. Let’s see the differences between them in detail in the table below:


Nagara Temple Architecture

Dravidian Temple Architecture


Northern India

Southern India

Vimana (Tower) Shape

Curvilinear (Shikhara)

Rectangular (Gopuram)


Generally single entrance on the east side

Multiple entrances, often elaborate and decorated

Mandapa (Pillared Hall)

Typically two types: Ardha Mandapa (front) and Maha Mandapa (main hall)

Typically larger and more elaborate with multiple halls


Often built with sandstone or brick

Usually constructed with granite or other local stone

Garbhagriha (Inner Sanctum)

Smaller, usually square or circular

Generally larger and rectangular


Complex carvings and sculptures on outer walls

Elaborate sculptures and carvings showing deities and mythological scenes


Influenced by Vedic and Indo-Aryan architecture

Influenced by Dravidian and Tamil architecture


Kandariya Mahadeva Temple in Khajuraho, Somnath Temple in Gujarat

Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur, Meenakshi Temple in Madurai

Nagara vs Dravidian Temple Architecture

Nagara and Dravidian are the two major styles of Hindu temple architecture in India. They came up from the earlier style known as the Panchayatana style of architecture. The Nagara style is found in northern India, while the Dravidian style is found in southern India. The main difference between the Nagara and Dravidian styles is the shape of the central tower. The Nagara style has a curvilinear or beehive-shaped tower, while the Dravidian style has a pyramid-like central tower. Both styles have their unique features, which are described below in the article.

Table of Content

  • Nagara Style of Temple Architecture
  • Dravida Style of Temple Architecture
  • Difference Between Nagara and Dravidian Temple Architecture
  • FAQs on Nagara vs Dravidian Temple Architecture

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Conclusion – Nagara vs Dravidian Temple Architecture

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