Difference between Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment


Job Enlargement

Job Enrichment


Job Enlargement involves expanding the scope of an employee’s job by adding more tasks or activities of a similar nature.

Job Enrichment involves enhancing the depth and complexity of a job by adding tasks that require higher-level skills, creativity, decision-making authority, and autonomy.


Job Enlargement involves expanding the scope of the job horizontally by adding more tasks or activities of a similar nature.

Job Enrichment focuses on enriching the job vertically by adding depth and complexity to existing tasks or introducing new tasks that require higher-level skills and responsibility.


Job Enlargement aims to alleviate monotony and boredom by increasing the variety of tasks within the job.

Job Enrichment aims to enhance the depth of the job by providing opportunities for skill development, autonomy, and personal growth.

Skill Requirements

Job Enlargement typically does not significantly alter the skill requirements of the job, as the additional tasks are usually similar in nature to existing ones.

Job Enrichment often involves adding tasks that require higher-level skills, creativity, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities.

Decision Making

Job Enlargement may not necessarily involve increased employee involvement in decision-making or autonomy.

Job Enrichment typically involves empowering employees with more control over their work, decision-making authority, and opportunities for self-direction.


Job Enlargement can help improve motivation by reducing monotony and increasing task variety, but it may not necessarily lead to significant improvements in job satisfaction or intrinsic motivation.

Job Enrichment is more likely to have a profound impact on motivation by providing employees with opportunities for personal growth, achievement, and fulfillment through challenging and meaningful work.


A factory worker who previously only assembled parts might be given additional tasks, such as quality checking or maintenance.

A customer service representative might be empowered to handle customer complaints independently, make decisions regarding refunds or discounts, and participate in problem-solving initiatives.

Difference between Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment

Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment are both strategies used by organizations to enhance job satisfaction and employee motivation, but they differ in their approach and focus. Job Enlargement refers to adding more tasks of a similar nature; whereas, Job Enrichment refers to enhancing the quality of work experience by adding tasks that require higher-level skills and offer greater autonomy and responsibility.

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Difference between Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment


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