Difference between Capacitor and Battery

The difference between capacitor and battery is tabulated below:

Basis of Difference Battery Capacitor

A battery is a device which stores the electric charge in the form of chemical energy and back in the electrical energy when needed.

A capacitor is a two terminals electronic component which stores the electric charge in the electrostatic field and discharge it back to the circuit as electrical energy.


An ordinary battery consists of three essential components: a positive terminal (cathode), a negative terminal (anode), and an electrolyte.

A capacitor is a two terminal comprises of two metallic plates isolated by a dielectric material such as air, mica, paper, etc.
Principle of operation

The operation of a battery is based on the chemical reaction, called redox reaction (oxidation-reduction reaction ).

The operation of a capacitor is based on the principle of electrostatic, i.e. when a voltage is connected to a capacitor, it begins to store energy in it .

Element type

A battery is an dynamic component as it supplies energy to the circuit.

A capacitor is inactive circuit component since it cannot deliver energy for infinite time. In straightforward word, it cannot supply energy to the circuit on its own.


The essential work of a battery in an electrical or electronic circuit is to give energy to the circuit. Moreover, a battery can produce electric charge.

The capacitor as it were stores the electric charge or electrons.

Behavior with AC & DC

A battery stores and produces as it were coordinate current (DC). AC cannot be utilized to charge a battery and the battery cannot deliver AC

A capacitor charges in DC circuit slowly until it reaches supply voltage while in AC Circuit, a capacitor continues to charge and discharge continuously.


There are different sorts of batteries accessible such as Antacid battery, Lithium particle battery, Silver oxide battery, Nickel cadmium battery, Nickel metal hydride battery, etc.

There are numerous types of capacitors like ceramic capacitor, mica capacitor, paper capacitor, electrolytic capacitor, electrochemical capacitor, super capacitor, half breed super capacitor, tantalum coordinates capacitor, etc.


A battery gives a consistent voltage while discharging.

The voltage over a capacitor reduces rapidly while discharging.
Energy density Battery has better energy density as compared to capacitor. For a capacitor, the energy density is lower than a battery.
Terminal polarity For a battery, the two terminals are positive and negative marked with their symbols In capacitor, there are two terminals positive and negative. Here, generally positive terminal is longer of the two.
Charging and discharging time The charging and discharging time of a battery is exceptionally high, regularly, 20 to more than 60 minutes. The time taken for a capacitor to charge and discharge is very short, usually ranging from 1 to 10 seconds.
Life span A battery has moderately life span almost 5 to 10 years. The life expectancy of a capacitor is approximately 10 to 15 years which is comparatively more than a battery.
Size (for same capacity) A battery is smaller than a capacitor. A capacitor has lager size as compared to a battery.
Cost Battery is very costly than a capacitor. The price of a capacitor is less.
Applications Batteries are broadly utilized as power source in various electronic devices such as torch, radio, toys, military and submarine appliances, automotive vehicles, backup power supplies, etc. Capacitor is utilized in electrical and electronic circuit to present capacitance, some uses capacitors are as filters, power factor correction, motor starters, coupling and decoupling of signals, oscillators, etc.

Difference Between Capacitor And Battery

The key distinction between a battery and a capacitor lies in how they store electrical energy. While a battery stores energy in chemical form, converting it back into electrical energy as needed, a capacitor stores energy in an electric field. In this article, we will learn about the difference between a capacitor and a battery. First of all, we will learn what a capacitor and what a battery is.

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