Derivatives of Phenol

Phenol can be used to make various other organic compounds. The reactions make other organic compounds is discussed below:

Phenol to Benzene

Phenol can be converted to benzene by removing -OH group from phenol. This can be done by dehydration. In the process of dehydration, phenol is heated in the presence of sulphuric acid catalyst. The reaction for the same is given below:

C6​H5​OH —Heat, H2SO4 —-> C6​H6​+H2​O

Phenol to Chlorobenzene

To convert phenol to chlorobenzene, -OH group from Phenol is replaced with Cl atom. This is done by treating phenol with a chlorinating agent such as SOCl2 or PCl5. The reaction for the same is given as follows:

C6​H5​OH + SOCl2​→C6​H5​Cl + SO2 ​+ HCl


C6H5OH + PCl5→C6H5Cl + POCl3 +HCl

Phenol to Benzoquinone

To convert phenol to benzoquinone, phenol is oxidized into quinone compound with the help of oxidizing agent such as potassium permangante or chromic acid. The reaction for the same is given below:

2C6​H5​OH + O2​→C6​H4​O2​ + 2H2​O

Phenol (C6H5OH)

Phenol is an aromatic organic compound. Its molecular formula is C6H6O. Phenol is characterized by a hydroxyl group attached to a carbon atom that is part of an aromatic ring. It is also known as carbolic acid and consists of hydroxyl and phenyl groups attached to each other. In this article, we look into what phenol is, its structure, its classification, general properties, preparation and reactions, etc.

Table of Content

  • What is Phenol?
  • Classification of phenol
  • Properties of phenol
  • Preparation of Phenol
  • Reaction of Phenol
  • Derivatives of Phenol
  • Uses of Phenol

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