Creating CSGraph from Edge List

  • Define an edge list that represents the connectivity of the graph.
  • Convert the edge list to a sparse matrix representation (e.g., COO).
  • Use the csgraph_from_dense function to convert the sparse matrix to a graph representation
  • The graph is directed.


import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import csgraph_from_dense
# creating the edge list
edgeList = coo_matrix((3, 3),
# converting the edge list to graph
graph = csgraph_from_dense(edgeList)


[[0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0.]]

SciPy CSGraph – Compressed Sparse Graph

Graphs are powerful mathematical structures used to represent relationships between entities in various fields, including computer science, social networks, transportation systems, and more. Analyzing and computing graphs is a fundamental task in many applications, but it can be challenging, especially when dealing with large graphs with sparse connectivity. Fortunately, the scipy.sparse.csgraph subpackage in the SciPy library offers a comprehensive set of tools and algorithms specifically designed for efficient graph analysis using sparse matrix representations. Sparse matrices are matrices where the majority of elements are zero, making them ideal for representing and manipulating large graphs with sparse connectivity.

Note: Before going further strongly recommended to know how to create a sparse matrix in Python (Refer to this article How to Create a Sparse Matrix in Python).

Key Functionalities of SciPy CSGraph

The scipy.sparse.csgraph subpackage offers a wide range of functionalities and algorithms for efficient graph analysis. Let’s delve into its key features:

  • Shortest Path Algorithms
  • Connected Components
    • connected_components: Identify the connected components in a graph, providing the number of components and labels for each node.
    • connected_components_dist: Compute the connected components considering edge weights.
  • Minimum Spanning Tree
    • minimum_spanning_tree: Calculate the minimum spanning tree of a graph, finding the subset of edges with the minimum total weight.
    • minimum_spanning_tree_csr: Compute the minimum spanning tree for graphs represented as Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) matrices.
  • Strongly Connected Components
    • strongly_connected_components: Identify strongly connected components in a directed graph.
    • strongly_connected_components_csr: Compute strongly connected components for CSR matrix representation.

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