
The steps involved in a rhetorical analysis conclusion are as follows:

1. Summing-up what was accomplished in the text analyzed. For eg, persuading readers to accept or believe in a particular idea.

2. Summarize how the goals were realized in the work. For instance, how did the writer use evidence-based arguments while making a point with an evocative personal story or anecdote? Incase the analysis failed to achieve the intended goals, find the reasons. What could be done to make it effective?

3. Indicate why the rhetorical objective & method(s) are important. For example, how your view has changed because of a particular technique used by the author. Focusing on why a particular technique has been used by the author. One can refer to the rhetorical analysis conclusion example & find why a particular technique was used for the targeted audience.

While writing the concluding section, it is essential that the arguments presented by the author presents are put into relevant context. The best rhetorical analysis conclusion would be the one that shows the argument(s) analyzed perfectly to present a theme essential for the text.

What is Rhetoric?


Speaking or writing that’s intended to persuade is known as Rhetoric. If we intend to write editorial columns, or while forming points for a debate or an argumentative essay, we should work on our rhetoric.

The word “ Rhetoric“ has a Greek origin which means “speaker” which is used for the art of persuasive speaking or writing. While listening eagerly to long speeches & while studied them in school, rhetoric was used by people in a positive sense; now it is often seen as a negative term, that implies artfulness over real content. For instance, if a person gives a clever speech but doesn’t mention the problem that needs to be addressed, one can say, “That’s just a lot of rhetoric.”

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