Cloning Row and Column Vectors In Python

Below are the possible approaches to clone row or column vectors in Python:

  • Using List Slicing
  • Using NumPy’s copy Function

Cloning Row and Column Vectors Using List Slicing

In this approach, we are using list slicing (originalVect[:]) to clone the original row vector, creating a new list with the same elements. Additionally, we use a list comprehension ([[x] for x in originalVect]) to create a cloned column vector by wrapping each element of the original vector in a sublist.

originalVect = [1, 2, 3, 4]
clonedRowVect = originalVect[:]

clonedColumnVect = [[x] for x in originalVect]

print("Original Row Vector:", originalVect)
print("Cloned Row Vector:", clonedRowVect)
print("Cloned Column Vector:")

for row in clonedColumnVect:

Original Row Vector: [1, 2, 3, 4]
Cloned Row Vector: [1, 2, 3, 4]
Cloned Column Vector:

Cloning Row and Column Vectors Using NumPy’s copy() Function

In this approach, we are using NumPy’s copy function to create a shallow copy of the original vector originalVect, resulting in the cloned row vector clonedRowVect. Additionally, for cloning a column vector, we use np.copy on the original vector with the [:, np.newaxis] indexing to add a new axis, creating the cloned column vector clonedColumnVect.

import numpy as np

originalVect = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])

clonedRowVect = np.copy(originalVect)
clonedColumnVect = np.copy(originalVect[:, np.newaxis])

print("Original Row Vector:", originalVect)
print("Cloned Row Vector:", clonedRowVect)
print("Cloned Column Vector:")


Original Row Vector: [1 2 3 4]
Cloned Row Vector: [1 2 3 4]
Cloned Column Vector:

Cloning Row and Column Vectors in Python

In Python, cloning row or column vectors involves creating a duplicate copy of a one-dimensional array (vector) either horizontally (row) or vertically (column). Cloning vectors is important for preserving data integrity and avoiding unintended modifications to the original array. In this article, we will explore different approaches to clone row or column vectors in Python.

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