Classification of Sensors

The Sensor can be classified as

Based on Power Requirement

  • Active Sensors: These Sensors require an external excitation signal or power source to work.
  • Passive Sensors: These Sensors do not require any external power source and it can directly generate the output response.

Based on Means of Detection

The Sensors can be according to detection method they use such as electrical, biological, chemical, or radioactive detection.

Based on the Conversion Phenomenon

This classification is based on the input and output conversion

  • Photoelectric: It Changes light to electrical signals.
  • Thermoelectric: It Changes temperature difference to electrical voltage.
  • Electrochemical: It Changes chemical reactions to electrical signals.
  • Electromagnetic: It Changes magnetic fields to electrical signals.
  • Thermoptic: It Changes temperature changes to electrical signals.

Based on Output Type

  • Analog Sensors: It produce an output signal which is usually in the form of voltage, current, or resistance, proportional to the measured quantity.
  • Digital Sensors: It provide discrete or digital data as output.

Types Of Sensors

A Sensor is a characteristic of any device or material to detect the presence of a particular physical quantity. The output of the sensor is a signal, which is converted to human readable form. It performs some function of input by sensing or feeling the physical changes in the characteristics of a system in response to stimuli.

In this article, we will go through the types of sensors, First, we will define what the sensors are, then we will go through their classification in brief with their different types, At last, we will conclude our article with their applications and some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • Sensors
  • Classification of Sensors
  • Types
  • Application

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