Checking the version of Nohup

Checking the version of Nohup is a simple process. You can typically check the version of Nohup installed on your system by using the `--version` flag. Simply execute the following command:

nohup --version


nohup Command in Linux with Examples

Every command in Linux starts a process at the time of its execution, which automatically gets terminated upon exiting the terminal. Suppose, you are executing programs over SSH and if the connection drops, the session will be terminated, all the executed processes will stop, and you may face a huge accidental crisis. In such cases, running commands in the background can be very helpful to the user and this is where nohup command comes into the picture. nohup (No Hang Up) is a command in Linux systems that runs the process even after logging out from the shell/terminal. 

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Nohup Command

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In Linux, when you run a command, it usually stops when you close the terminal. But with nohup, you can keep it running even after you’ve closed the terminal. This is super handy, especially if you’re running commands remotely and don’t want them to stop if your connection drops. nohup works by shielding your command from signals that would normally stop it. You just add nohup before your command, and it keeps going. You can also send the command’s output to a file. Just remember, it’s best for non-interactive tasks, and you can check on your command’s status using tools like ps. So, nohup is like a safety net for your commands, ensuring they keep chugging along even when you’re not watching....

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