Characteristics of Active Components

  • Active Components require an external power supply to operate.
  • Active Components produce energy in form of current or voltage.
  • Active components can power gain in the electric circuit.
  • Active components can control the flow of current.
  • Active components receive energy in the forms of thermal energy, chemical energy, hydraulic energy, and delivers in the circuit in the form of electrical energy.

Active Components

In electronic components, Active components are electronic devices that need an external power source to operate actively. They mainly manipulate, amplify, switch, or control the flow of electric current or voltage in a circuit. Active components, like diodes, transistors, integrated circuits (ICs), and sensors require power to do their job. A circuit is an interconnection of components. These components are capable of performing active functions like amplification, rectification, and switching they are called active components.

In this article, We will go through What is Active Components, the Characteristics of Active Components, the Working of Active Components, the Types of Active Components, Difference between Active and Passive Electronic Components, At last we will Conclude Our Article With Applications of Active Components with Some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • What is Active Components?
  • Characteristics of Active Components
  • Working of Active Components
  • Types of Active Components
  • Difference between Active and Passive Electronic Components
  • Applications of Active Components

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What is Active Components?

Active components are electronic devices that need an external power source to work. They actively control and manipulate the flow of electric current in a circuit. These components can amplify, switch, or generate electrical signals....

Characteristics of Active Components

Active Components require an external power supply to operate. Active Components produce energy in form of current or voltage. Active components can power gain in the electric circuit. Active components can control the flow of current. Active components receive energy in the forms of thermal energy, chemical energy, hydraulic energy, and delivers in the circuit in the form of electrical energy....

Working of Active Components

An active component works as an alternating-current circuit in a device, which works to increase the active power, voltage or current. An active component is able to do this because it is powered by a source of electricity that is separate from the electrical signal....

Types of Active Components

Active components are mainly divided into three basic active electronic components which include:...


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Integrated Circuits (ICs)

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Difference between Active and Passive Electronic Components

Active Components Passive Components Active Components require an external power supply to operate. Passive Components do not require external power supply to operate Active Components produce energy in form of current or voltage. Passive Components store energy in form of current or voltage Active components receive energy in the forms of thermal energy, chemical energy, hydraulic energy, and delivers in the circuit in the form of electrical energy. Active components receive energy in the forms of thermal energy, chemical energy, hydraulic energy, and delivers in the circuit in the form of electrical energy. Examples of Active Components are diodes, transistors and integrated circuits . Examples of Passive Components are resistor, inductor, capacitor and transformers....

Applications of Active Components

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Active Components

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In this article we have learnt about Active components, these can easily handle electric current in the electrical circuit. They can receive energy in the forms of thermal energy, chemical energy, hydraulic energy, and delivers in the circuit in the form of electrical energy. We have seen the properties of active components and different types of active components and we have the applications and advantages and disadvantages of passive components. In Electrical circuits, active components play an important role in controlling and amplifying the power in the electrical circuits....

FAQs on Active Components

What are the classification of active components?...

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