Characteristics of a Good Classification

1. Comprehensiveness

To get better results, it is essential to classify the collected raw data in a comprehensive manner. It means that every item of the collected data should get into some class, category, or group, and no item or data should be left behind. 

2. Clarity

The investigator collecting and analyzing data should classify the raw information into different classes clearly. Clear placement of items into different categories or classes means that there should not be even a single item whose placement brings out confusion in the mind of the reader and the investigator. 

3. Homogeneity

For effective results in the investigation, it is essential to distinguish the collected raw data into different homogeneous groups. In other words, the classification of data based on similar characteristics helps in easy and better analysis of data. 

4. Suitability

A classified set of data can provide essential information and required results only when the composition of the classes suits the objective of the investigation. For example, for determining the literacy rate of a country, gathering information and classifying it on the basis of peopleā€™s income and expenditure does not make any sense. The collected data must be classified as educated and uneducated. 

5. Stability

There should be stability in the basis of the classification of data. It means that the basis of the classification of data should not change with every investigation. In other words, a specific kind of investigation should be performed on the basis of the same set of classifications. 

6. Elastic

The classification of collected data should be elastic. Elasticity in data means that if the investigator wants to change something in classification because of any change in the purpose or objective of the investigation, he/she should be able to do so. 

Objectives and Characteristics of Classification of Data

Data can not always be found in an organised manner. Therefore, an analyst or investigator has to properly organise the collected data for a better analysis of information and to reach the desired results. One of the most important methods of organising such data is known as the classification of data. Under this method, the raw information is converted into different statistical series in a way that provides better and more meaningful results. 

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Classification of Data

For performing statistical analysis, various kinds of data are gathered by the investigator or analyst. The information gathered is usually in raw form, which is difficult to analyze. To make the analysis meaningful and easy, the raw data is converted or classified into different categories based on their characteristics. This grouping of data into different categories or classes with similar or homogeneous characteristics is known as the Classification of Data. Each division or class of the gathered data is known as a Class. The different basis of classification of statistical information are Geographical, Chronological, Qualitative (Simple and Manifold) and Quantitative or Numerical....

Objectives of Classification of Data


Characteristics of a Good Classification


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