Broken Pipe Error in Python terminal

python <filename>.py | head

This pipeline code written above will create a process that will send the data upstream and a process that reads the data downstream. But when the downstream process will not be able to read the data upstream, it will raise an exception by sending SIGPIPE signal to the upstream process. Thus upstream process in a python problem will raise an error such as IOError: Broken pipe error will occur.



for i in range(4000):

When we run this file from unix commands:

python3 | head -n3000

Broken Pipe Error in Python

In this article, we will discuss Pipe Error in python starting from how an error is occurred in python along with the type of solution needed to be followed to rectify the error in python. So, let’s go into this article to understand the concept well. 

With the advancement of emerging technologies in the IT sector, the use of programming language is playing a vital role. Thus the proper language is considered for the fast executions of the functions. In such a case, Python emerges as the most important language to satisfy the needs of the current problem execution because of its simplicity and availability of various libraries. But along with the execution, the errors during the execution also comes into existence and it becomes difficult for the programmers to rectify the errors for the processing of the problem.

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The Emergence of Broken Pipe Error

A broken Pipe Error is generally an Input/Output Error, which is occurred at the Linux System level. The error has occurred during the reading and writing of the files and it mainly occurs during the operations of the files. The same error that occurred in the Linux system is EPIPE, but every library function which returns its error code also generates a signal called SIGPIPE, this signal is used to terminate the program if it is not handled or blocked. Thus a program will never be able to see the EPIPE error unless it has handled or blocked SIGPIPE....

Broken Pipe Error in Python terminal

python .py | head...

Procedure to avoid Broken Pipe Error


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