Blackboard pattern

The blackboard pattern describes the overall flow of information and control within the blackboard architecture. It typically involves the following steps:

  1. Initialization: The blackboard is set up with the initial problem statement and any available input data.
  2. Activation: The controller selects and activates one or more knowledge sources based on the current state of the problem and the available data on the blackboard.
  3. Execution: The activated knowledge sources independently analyze the problem, apply their specialized algorithms or techniques, and produce partial solutions or hypotheses.
  4. Conflict resolution: If multiple knowledge sources generate conflicting or overlapping solutions, a conflict resolution mechanism is employed to reconcile the differences and select the most appropriate solution(s).
  5. Update: The knowledge sources update the blackboard with their outputs, such as new constraints, proposed solutions, or intermediate results.
  6. Iteration: The controller repeats the activation and execution steps until a satisfactory solution is reached, convergence criteria are met, or a predefined time limit is exceeded.

Blackboard Architecture

Blackboard architecture, also known as the blackboard system, is a problem-solving approach that utilizes a modular and decentralized framework.

It effectively solves complex problems that lack a well-defined algorithm or a pre-determined architecture. Blackboard architecture is inspired by human experts collaborating and solving difficult problems by sharing information and contributing their expertise.

Blackboard Architecture

The architecture is based on how people work together around a blackboard – each person would sit around the board and a problem would be written on it. When a person can solve the problem, they would go to the board and add the partial solution they know how to do. This process is repeated until a collective solution is found.

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Blackboard pattern:

The blackboard pattern describes the overall flow of information and control within the blackboard architecture. It typically involves the following steps:...

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