Best Ways to Respond to Job Rejection Emails

Here are some of the most appropriate ways to reply to a job rejection email, maintaining a good impression on both sides.

1. Thank the Interviewer 

One of the best ways to respond to the interviewer is to courteously thank them for the opportunity, the email, and other aspects. For example, many recruiters at some mediocre companies may not even send the rejection alert, leaving you confused about the status of your application. So, it would help if you thanked them appropriately. 

Here are some suggestions:

  • Thank the recruiter for sending the email in a straightforward matter. 
  • Offer your gratitude about having gotten the search to apply to their company and meeting the workers there, which added to your learning experience. 
  • Thank them for their time in accepting your original resume and for considering you for the position in the first place. 

In the email, keep this part concise, preferably in 1-2 sentences. This works well as a starter point in the response email to job rejections, so it is recommended to add it for certain. 

2. Mention Your Disappointment

Yes, you are thankful for their consideration, but the rejection itself is disappointing. The recruiter knows that, so add this information in your response, albeit in a polite and friendly manner. 

Admitting your disappointment at not being able to work for the company and position shows your level of interest in that. So, recruiters do find it a suitable addition to such emails. 

3. Showcase Your Consistent Interest 

After thanking and mentioning your regret positively, assure the recruiter that the rejection has not reduced your respect or interest in the company. Indeed, mention that you will still be open to working with them in the future if other jobs open up. 

4. Ask Politely For any Feedback

If your interview was extremely good, it is natural for you to be confused about the rejection. In that case, adding a part in the job rejection response email asking them for their feedback is a good choice. 

Therefore, when you get a response, you can work on the constructive criticism you might get. Consequently, you can avoid those errors in future application processes. 

Example of Responding Emails to Job Rejections 

For a clearer understanding, here are some examples of how to appropriately reply to job rejection notifications. 

“Dear [HR Officer Name], 

I am grateful to receive your response about the hiring decision for the position of [Job Role] I applied to. While I am disappointed that I did not pass the selection process, I am grateful for the opportunity to get an interview. 

I found meeting your company officials very informative and educational, and I appreciate the learning experience. I look forward to getting the opportunity to work with your team in the future.

If you have some time, I would be much obliged if you could provide feedback on my interview and application. I can take your insight and apply it to my job search endeavors. 

Again, thank you for the time and consideration, [HR Officer Name]. Hope to hear from you soon. 

[Full Name].”

How to Respond to a Job Rejection Email?

The job market is extremely intensive, with many job aspirants from different locations vying for the same spot. If a company is a reputed and high-earning business, the competition is even more cutthroat and strong. So, job applicants should send their resumes and cover letters to various companies for higher chances of getting accepted. On average, all corporate job positions open for recruitment gets 250 resumes


Out of this number, 4-6 applicants get the chance for an interview, and then only one is selected. For the rest of the candidates, the recruitment team members send job rejection alerts to the ones who applied. If you are one of the applicants that got a rejection email, how should you properly respond to it? Maintaining a dignified and cordial behavior even in accepting rejections shows a good impression overall. Here, you will get some of the best tips on how to properly respond to job rejection emails. 

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