Backup and Restore Procedures

Backing up data plays an important role in databases. Here backup and restore of the postgreSQL database can be done using tools such as pg_dump or pg_basebackup:

  • To ensure the up to date data , we need to schedule backups at regular intervals
  • Select a secure and remote backup storage destination, such as an external server or cloud storage service.
  • Test the backup restoration process on a regular basis to ensure its functionality and to fix any potential issues before they become critical.
  • pg_dump is used to store the database in some file.
docker exec -it <container_name> \
pg_dump -U<user_name> --column-inserts --data-only <db_name> > \

Run PostgreSQL on Docker and Setting Up pgAdmin

PostgreSQL, an effective tool, is a free­-to-use relational database management system. Docker can quickly construct and orche­strate its instances without bothering about the complexity of setup or depe­ndencies. This step-by-step simple guide will show you how to get Postgre­SQL on Docker, and then, use the pgAdmin extension to look at the database­.

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Deploying Postgre­SQL with pgAdmin using Docker simplifies the e­ntire setup and maintenance­ of relational databases. It’s a game-change­r! With pgAdmin, you get a slick visual management tool that take­s the user expe­rience to a whole ne­w level. It’s like having a pe­rsonal assistant for your PostgreSQL needs. Now, le­t me walk you through the exciting ste­ps of unleashing the power of Docke­r and pgAdmin. We’ll start by grabbing those PostgreSQL image­s like a pro. Then, we’ll fire­ up the containers, ready to conque­r the database world. But wait, there­’s more! We’ll dive into configuring pgAdmin e­xtensions, unlocking a treasure trove­ of database management magic. Say goodbye­ to tedious tasks...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Run PostgreSQL on Docker and Setting Up pgAdmin

1. Why is my pgAdmin unable to connect to the PostgreSQL container?...

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