Azure AD Conditional Access Policies

What is Microsoft Entra?

Microsoft Entra is actually a suite of products.When we talk about Microsoft Entra ID, it is what Azure AD used to be and it is a pure directory service.It’s also a repository for all of your security principals,your accounts.It is a mechanism to provide identity management,and it is what you use to authenticate all of your user population,internal or external, so users that are part of your employees of your organization and even guests,people that are external that you collaborate with.That authentication is what is going to provide them with an authorization to access the various resources that you want to give them access of it.There are different flavors when we are talking about active directory and Entra ID. If you are working with an identity management solution on premises on your network,you have something called Active Directory, not Azure Active Directory, but active directory or that is the name of the on-premises solution, Active Directory Domain Services.You have servers that manage that active directory,which are called domain controllers and you control everything related to your user accounts.

Is Entra ID & Azure Active directory same?

Active directory is the directory service that was introduced on Windows Server as a directory mechanism to be able to manage users and group and provide access to resources.When Azure was provided as cloud service from Microsoft,soon after, Azure AD became the mechanism to provide access and to manage identities within a Microsoft cloud environment.So in 2023, Microsoft started the renaming process from Microsoft Azure AD to Microsoft Entra,which is a suite of products.

Are CA policies , if-then statements?

Indeed, if-then statements make up CA policies. Use these access controls if an assignment is satisfied. Conditions are referred to as assignments when the administrator sets up CA policies. You can impose access controls on the apps used by your organization based on specific assignments by using CA policies.

Assignments specify which individuals and groups will be impacted by the policy, which cloud applications or actions it will apply to, and the scenarios in which it will do so. Access control settings allow you to restrict access to some cloud apps and to give or deny access to others.

Azure AD Conditional Access Policies Explained

Microsoft Azure is Microsoft’s primary cloud offering. The Microsoft cloud lives within Microsoft Azure, which is a combination of ultra-redundant data centers located all over the world that offer storage, power, cooling, and all the necessary infrastructure to host cloud servers. So, Microsoft Azure provides X as a service solution. So what does it mean? It means it offers software as a service, platform as a service, infrastructure as a service, and directory as a service. Essentially, everything is a service. A platform-as-a-service solution is essentially a platform that is there, managed by the provider, and you are using that platform to manage your solutions on top of it. Infrastructure as a Service allows you to build a network on top of an underlying solution. For example, building out virtual machines, virtual networks, and so on. Software as a Service is completely managed software by a provider that you just plug into.

Azure AD, or Microsoft Entra ID, is an identity provider that can authenticate security principals. So a security principal is really what we are using when we are authenticating to anything that is an identity provider, in this case, Microsoft Entra ID.

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