Applications of Calcination and Roasting

Since, we know the basics of Calcination and Roasting. Let’s learn more about the applications of Calcination and Roasting with the chemical reactions involved in these processes.

Calcination Applications

Calcination is used to convert carbonate and hydroxide into their oxide. It is used to remove volatile impurities. The reactions involved in the process of Calcination is listed below:

  • Calcination is widely used in the decomposition of Calcium carbonate(limestone) to Calcium oxide(lime) and Carbon dioxide.

CaCO3 CaO + CO2

  • Anhydrous Alumina is left behind when bauxite is calcined, and water is removed.

Al2O3.2H2O → 2Fe2O3 + 3H2O

  • Anhydrous Iron is formed during iron calcination.

2Fe2O3.3H2O → 2Fe2O3 + 3H2O

Roasting Application

Roasting is used to convert sulphides into their oxides. Non-metallic impurities are removed basically in the process of Roasting. Let’s learn some of the chemical reactions involved in the process of Roasting.

  • Zinc sulphide is converted to zinc oxide with the help of roasting.

2ZnS + 3O2 → 2ZnO + 2SO2

  • Roasting of Chalcocite to obtain Copper Oxide.

2Cu2S + 3O2 → 2Cu2O + 2SO2

  • Conversion of metal compounds to chlorides through Chloridising roasting.

2NaCl + MS + 2O2 → Na2SO4 + MCl

4NaCl + 2MO + S2 + 3O2 → 2Na2SO4 + 2MCl2

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Difference between Calcination and Roasting

Calcination and Roasting are two processes of refining carbonate and sulfide metal ores respectively into pure metal forms. Minerals are naturally occurring chemical substances in the Earth’s crust that are obtained by mining. Metals that are known to us are derived from some of these minerals and such minerals are known as ores.

The science that deals with extracting metals from ores is known as metallurgy. There are many ways by which metals are extracted from its ore and one such process to extract crude metal from its concentrated ore is conversion to oxide which is further divided into Calcination and Roasting. In this article, we briefly discuss calcination and roasting and the difference between calcination and roasting.

Table of Content

  • What is Calcination and Roasting?
  • Difference between Calcination and Roasting
  • Applications of Calcination and Roasting
  • Calcination and Roasting – FAQs

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