Why are you looking for a job change?

This is one of the most critical and commonly asked questions from experienced candidates. The interviewer wants to know what made you look for another opportunity. So to answer this question, never mention the negative points about your current employer, and also do not share any secret information about your current employer. 

Some tips for Answering:

1. Be Honest with your answer, but be tactful.
2. Display a positive attitude.
3. Do not directly disclose your only reason to change is money.
4. Do not directly complain about the company’s pathetic work culture and strict policies.

Sample Answer: 

Suppose you have worked in an organization for like 3-4 years or even more, simply say, I have worked in my current organization for a long time and now I feel like its time to expand my horizon, and also I want to taste a new environment and seek new challenges and I believe your company seems a perfect place where I can use my skills for the growth of the company and also grow myself as an individual.

If you have worked in an organization for less than 1 year or for just a few months you can say after working for a few months you realized that this job is not for you and you are looking for a more appropriate role that matches your skill set.

Top 10 Traditional HR Interview Questions and Answers

HR Rounds are conducted to identify whether a candidate is a good fit for the role or not and whether the candidate possesses qualities like leadership, communication skills, teamwork, etc. If you want to get your dream job, you must not only have a strong resume and technical knowledge, but you must also be able to answer difficult HR interview questions. Here are some of the most frequently asked HR Interview Questions and their answers for both fresher and experienced candidates. By going through these questions, you can get a general idea of how to answer such questions.

Table of Content

  • 1. Tell me about yourself?
  • 2. What are your strengths?
  • 3. What are your weaknesses?
  • 4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
  • 5. Why should we hire you?
  • 6. Why are you looking for a job change?
  • 7. Why do you want to work for our company?
  • 8. What is your biggest achievement so far?
  • 9. Tell me about the gap in your resume
  • 10. What are your salary expectations?

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6. Why are you looking for a job change?

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