String Comparison – compare() or == Operator

Just like the concatenation, we can do the string comparison using two methods:

1. == Operator

The equality operator can be used to compare the two strings as it is overloaded for this operation in the std::string class.


string_object1 == string_object2

This will return true if both the strings are equal, otherwise returns false.


std::string str1 = "apple";
std::string str2 = "banana";
if (str1 == str2) {
    std::cout << "Strings are equal";
else {
    std::cout << "Strings are not equal";

Here, “Strings are not equal” will be printed as the == operator will return false.

2. compare()

The compare() function is a member function of std::string class which can be used to compare two strings.



  • str2: It is the string to be compared. It can be both C or C++ style string.

Return Value

  • If the strings are equal, return zero.
  • If str1 is greater than str2, return value >0
  • If str2 is greater than str1, return value <0


string str1 = "Geeks";
string str2: = "Geeksfor";
int result =;

The result will contain a value less than zero as str2 is greater than str1.

We can also compare the substring of str2 using the compare function():, length, str2);


  • position: position of the first character substring.
  • length: length of the substring.
  • str2:  String object to be compared.

String Functions In C++

A string is referred to as an array of characters. In C++, a stream/sequence of characters is stored in a char array. C++ includes the std::string class that is used to represent strings. It is one of the most fundamental datatypes in C++ and it comes with a huge set of inbuilt functions. In this article, will look at the functions of string computations.

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