Leaf nodes from Preorder of a Binary Search Tree

Given a Preorder traversal of a Binary Search Tree. The task is to print leaf nodes of the Binary Search Tree from the given preorder.


Input : preorder[] = {890, 325, 290, 530, 965};
Output : 290 530 965
Explanation : Tree represented is,
     /   \
  325    965
  /  \
290   530

Input : preorder[] = { 3, 2, 4 };
Output : 2 4

Method 1: (Simple):

The idea is to find Iorder, then traverse the tree in preorder fashion (using both inorder and postorder traversals) and while traversing print leaf nodes.

How to traverse in preorder fashion using two arrays representing inorder and preorder traversals? 

We iterate the preorder array and for each element find that element in the inorder array. For searching, we can use binary search, since inorder traversal of the binary search tree is always sorted. Now, for each element of preorder array, in binary search, we set the range [L, R]. 

And when L == R, the leaf node is found. So, initially, L = 0 and R = n – 1 for first element (i.e root) of preorder array. Now, to search for the element on the left subtree of the root, set L = 0 and R = index of root – 1. Also, for all element of right subtree set L = index of root + 1 and R = n -1. 
Recursively, follow this, until L == R.

Below is the implementation of this approach:


// C++ program to print leaf node from
// preorder of binary search tree.
using namespace std;
// Binary Search
int binarySearch(int inorder[], int l, int r, int d)
    int mid = (l + r)>>1;
    if (inorder[mid] == d)
        return mid;
    else if (inorder[mid] > d)
        return binarySearch(inorder, l, mid - 1, d);
        return binarySearch(inorder, mid + 1, r, d);
// Function to print Leaf Nodes by doing preorder
// traversal of tree using preorder and inorder arrays.
void leafNodesRec(int preorder[], int inorder[],
                  int l, int r, int *ind, int n)
    // If l == r, therefore no right or left subtree.
    // So, it must be leaf Node, print it.
    if(l == r)
        printf("%d ", inorder[l]);
        *ind = *ind + 1;
    // If array is out of bound, return.
    if (l < 0 || l > r || r >= n)
    // Finding the index of preorder element
    // in inorder array using binary search.
    int loc = binarySearch(inorder, l, r, preorder[*ind]);
    // Incrementing the index.
    *ind = *ind + 1;
    // Finding on the left subtree.
    leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, l, loc - 1, ind, n);
    // Finding on the right subtree.
    leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, loc + 1, r, ind, n);
// Finds leaf nodes from given preorder traversal.
void leafNodes(int preorder[], int n)
    int inorder[n];  // To store inorder traversal
    // Copy the preorder into another array.
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        inorder[i] = preorder[i];
    // Finding the inorder by sorting the array.
    sort(inorder, inorder + n);
    // Point to the index in preorder.
    int ind = 0;
    // Print the Leaf Nodes.
    leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, 0, n - 1, &ind, n);
// Driven Program
int main()
    int preorder[] = { 890, 325, 290, 530, 965 };
    int n = sizeof(preorder)/sizeof(preorder[0]);
    leafNodes(preorder, n);
    return 0;


// Java program to print leaf node from
// preorder of binary search tree.
import java.util.*;
class GFG
// Binary Search
static int binarySearch(int inorder[], int l, 
                        int r, int d)
    int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
    if (inorder[mid] == d)
        return mid;
    else if (inorder[mid] > d)
        return binarySearch(inorder, l,
                            mid - 1, d);
        return binarySearch(inorder, 
                            mid + 1, r, d);
// Point to the index in preorder.
static int ind;
// Function to print Leaf Nodes by 
// doing preorder traversal of tree
// using preorder and inorder arrays.
static void leafNodesRec(int preorder[], 
                         int inorder[],
                         int l, int r, int n)
    // If l == r, therefore no right or left subtree.
    // So, it must be leaf Node, print it.
    if(l == r)
        System.out.printf("%d ", inorder[l]);
        ind = ind + 1;
    // If array is out of bound, return.
    if (l < 0 || l > r || r >= n)
    // Finding the index of preorder element
    // in inorder array using binary search.
    int loc = binarySearch(inorder, l, r, 
    // Incrementing the index.
    ind = ind + 1;
    // Finding on the left subtree.
    leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder,
                    l, loc - 1, n);
    // Finding on the right subtree.
    leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, 
                    loc + 1, r, n);
// Finds leaf nodes from given preorder traversal.
static void leafNodes(int preorder[], int n)
    // To store inorder traversal
    int inorder[] = new int[n]; 
    // Copy the preorder into another array.
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        inorder[i] = preorder[i];
    // Finding the inorder by sorting the array.
    // Print the Leaf Nodes.
    leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, 0, n - 1, n);
// Driver Code
public static void main(String args[])
    int preorder[] = { 890, 325, 290, 530, 965 };
    int n = preorder.length;
    leafNodes(preorder, n);
// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu


# Python3 program to print leaf node from
# preorder of binary search tree.
# Binary Search
def binarySearch(inorder, l, r, d):
    mid = (l + r) >> 1
    if (inorder[mid] == d):
        return mid
    elif (inorder[mid] > d):
        return binarySearch(inorder, l,
                            mid - 1, d)
        return binarySearch(inorder, 
                            mid + 1, r, d)
# Function to print Leaf Nodes by doing 
# preorder traversal of tree using 
# preorder and inorder arrays.
def leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, 
                      l, r, ind, n):
    # If l == r, therefore no right or left subtree.
    # So, it must be leaf Node, print it.
    if(l == r):
        print(inorder[l], end = " ")
        ind[0] = ind[0] + 1
    # If array is out of bound, return.
    if (l < 0 or l > r or r >= n):
    # Finding the index of preorder element
    # in inorder array using binary search.
    loc = binarySearch(inorder, l, r, 
    # Incrementing the index.
    ind[0] = ind[0] + 1
    # Finding on the left subtree.
    leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder,     
                 l, loc - 1, ind, n)
    # Finding on the right subtree.
    leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, 
                 loc + 1, r, ind, n)
# Finds leaf nodes from 
# given preorder traversal.
def leafNodes(preorder, n):
    # To store inorder traversal
    inorder = [0] *
    # Copy the preorder into another array.
    for i in range(n):
        inorder[i] = preorder[i]
    # Finding the inorder by sorting the array.
    # Point to the index in preorder.
    ind = [0]
    # Print the Leaf Nodes.
    leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, 0,
                 n - 1, ind, n)
# Driver Code
preorder = [890, 325, 290, 530, 965]
n = len(preorder)
leafNodes(preorder, n)
# This code is contributed


// C# program to print leaf node from
// preorder of binary search tree.
using System;
class GFG
// Binary Search
static int binarySearch(int []inorder, int l, 
                        int r, int d)
    int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
    if (inorder[mid] == d)
        return mid;
    else if (inorder[mid] > d)
        return binarySearch(inorder, l,
                            mid - 1, d);
        return binarySearch(inorder, 
                            mid + 1, r, d);
// Point to the index in preorder.
static int ind;
// Function to print Leaf Nodes by 
// doing preorder traversal of tree
// using preorder and inorder arrays.
static void leafNodesRec(int []preorder, 
                        int []inorder,
                        int l, int r, int n)
    // If l == r, therefore no right or left subtree.
    // So, it must be leaf Node, print it.
    if(l == r)
        Console.Write("{0} ", inorder[l]);
        ind = ind + 1;
    // If array is out of bound, return.
    if (l < 0 || l > r || r >= n)
    // Finding the index of preorder element
    // in inorder array using binary search.
    int loc = binarySearch(inorder, l, r, 
    // Incrementing the index.
    ind = ind + 1;
    // Finding on the left subtree.
    leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder,
                    l, loc - 1, n);
    // Finding on the right subtree.
    leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, 
                    loc + 1, r, n);
// Finds leaf nodes from given preorder traversal.
static void leafNodes(int []preorder, int n)
    // To store inorder traversal
    int []inorder = new int[n]; 
    // Copy the preorder into another array.
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        inorder[i] = preorder[i];
    // Finding the inorder by sorting the array.
    // Print the Leaf Nodes.
    leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, 0, n - 1, n);
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String []args)
    int []preorder = { 890, 325, 290, 530, 965 };
    int n = preorder.Length;
    leafNodes(preorder, n);
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


      // JavaScript program to print leaf node from
      // preorder of binary search tree.
      // Binary Search
      function binarySearch(inorder, l, r, d) {
        var mid = parseInt((l + r) / 2);
        if (inorder[mid] == d) return mid;
        else if (inorder[mid] > d) 
        return binarySearch(inorder, l, mid - 1, d);
        return binarySearch(inorder, mid + 1, r, d);
      // Point to the index in preorder.
      var ind = 0;
      // Function to print Leaf Nodes by
      // doing preorder traversal of tree
      // using preorder and inorder arrays.
      function leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, l, r, n) {
        // If l == r, therefore no right or left subtree.
        // So, it must be leaf Node, print it.
        if (l == r) {
          document.write(inorder[l] + " ");
          ind = ind + 1;
        // If array is out of bound, return.
        if (l < 0 || l > r || r >= n) return;
        // Finding the index of preorder element
        // in inorder array using binary search.
        var loc = binarySearch(inorder, l, r, preorder[ind]);
        // Incrementing the index.
        ind = ind + 1;
        // Finding on the left subtree.
        leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, l, loc - 1, n);
        // Finding on the right subtree.
        leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, loc + 1, r, n);
      // Finds leaf nodes from given preorder traversal.
      function leafNodes(preorder, n) {
        // To store inorder traversal
        var inorder = new Array(n).fill(0);
        // Copy the preorder into another array.
        for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) inorder[i] = preorder[i];
        // Finding the inorder by sorting the array.
        // Print the Leaf Nodes.
        leafNodesRec(preorder, inorder, 0, n - 1, n);
      // Driver Code
      var preorder = [890, 325, 290, 530, 965];
      var n = preorder.length;
      leafNodes(preorder, n);


290 530 965 

Time Complexity: O(n log n) 
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

Method 2:(using Stack):

The idea is to use the property of the Binary Search Tree and stack. 
Traverse the array using two pointer i and j to the array, initially i = 0 and j = 1. Whenever a[i] > a[j], we can say a[j] is left part of a[i], since preorder traversal follows Visit -> Left -> Right. So, we push a[i] into the stack. 
For those points violating the rule, we start to pop element from the stack till a[i] > top element of the stack and break when it doesn’t and print the corresponding jth value.


1. Set i = 0, j = 1.
2. Traverse the preorder array.
3. If a[i] > a[j], push a[i] to the stack.
4. Else
   While (stack is not empty)
     if (a[j] > top of stack)
       pop element from the stack;
       set found = true;
5. if (found == true)
     print a[i];

How does this algorithm work? 
Preorder traversal traverse in the order: Visit, Left, Right. 
And we know the left node of any node in BST is always less than the node. So preorder traversal will first traverse from root to leftmost node. Therefore, preorder will be in decreasing order first. Now, after decreasing order, there may be a node that is greater or which breaks the decreasing order. So, there can be a case like this : 

In case 1, 20 is a leaf node whereas in case 2, 20 is not the leaf node. 
So, our problem is how to identify if we have to print 20 as a leaf node or not? 
This is solved using stack. 
While running above algorithm on case 1 and case 2, when i = 2 and j = 3, state of a stack will be the same in both the case : 

So, node 65 will pop 20 and 50 from the stack. This is because 65 is the right child of a node which is before 20. This information we store using the found variable. So, 20 is a leaf node. 
While in case 2, 40 will not able to pop any element from the stack. Because 40 is the right node of a node which is after 20. So, 20 is not a leaf node.
Note: In the algorithm, we will not be able to check the condition of the leaf node of the rightmost node or rightmost element of the preorder. So, simply print the rightmost node because we know this will always be a leaf node in preorder traversal.

Below is the implementation of this approach: 


// Stack based C++ program to print leaf nodes
// from preorder traversal.
using namespace std;
// Print the leaf node from the given preorder of BST.
void leafNode(int preorder[], int n)
    stack<int> s;
    for (int i = 0, j = 1; j < n; i++, j++)
        bool found = false;
        if (preorder[i] > preorder[j])
            while (!s.empty())
                if (preorder[j] > s.top())
                    found = true;
        if (found)
            cout << preorder[i] << " ";
    // Since rightmost element is always leaf node.
    cout << preorder[n - 1];
// Driver code
int main()
    int preorder[] = { 890, 325, 290, 530, 965 };
    int n = sizeof(preorder)/sizeof(preorder[0]);
    leafNode(preorder, n);
    return 0;


// Stack based Java program to print leaf nodes 
// from preorder traversal.
import java.util.*;
class GfG {
// Print the leaf node from the given preorder of BST. 
static void leafNode(int preorder[], int n) 
    Stack<Integer> s = new Stack<Integer> (); 
    for (int i = 0, j = 1; j < n; i++, j++) 
        boolean found = false
        if (preorder[i] > preorder[j]) 
            while (!s.isEmpty()) 
                if (preorder[j] > s.peek()) 
                    found = true
        if (found) 
            System.out.print(preorder[i] + " "); 
    // Since rightmost element is always leaf node. 
    System.out.println(preorder[n - 1]); 
// Driver code 
public static void main(String[] args) 
    int preorder[] = { 890, 325, 290, 530, 965 }; 
    int n = preorder.length; 
    leafNode(preorder, n); 


# Stack based Python program to print 
# leaf nodes from preorder traversal. 
# Print the leaf node from the given 
# preorder of BST. 
def leafNode(preorder, n):
    s = [] 
    i = 0
    for j in range(1, n):
        found = False
        if preorder[i] > preorder[j]: 
            while len(s) != 0:
                if preorder[j] > s[-1]:
                    found = True
        if found: 
            print(preorder[i], end = " ")
        i += 1
    # Since rightmost element is 
    # always leaf node. 
    print(preorder[n - 1])
# Driver code 
if __name__ == '__main__':
    preorder = [890, 325, 290, 530, 965
    n = len(preorder) 
    leafNode(preorder, n)
# This code is contributed by PranchalK


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// Stack based C# program to print leaf nodes  
// from preorder traversal. 
public class GfG
// Print the leaf node from the given preorder of BST.  
public static void leafNode(int[] preorder, int n)
    Stack<int> s = new Stack<int> ();
    for (int i = 0, j = 1; j < n; i++, j++)
        bool found = false;
        if (preorder[i] > preorder[j])
            while (s.Count > 0)
                if (preorder[j] > s.Peek())
                    found = true;
        if (found)
            Console.Write(preorder[i] + " ");
    // Since rightmost element is always leaf node.  
    Console.WriteLine(preorder[n - 1]);
// Driver code  
public static void Main(string[] args)
    int[] preorder = new int[] {890, 325, 290, 530, 965};
    int n = preorder.Length;
    leafNode(preorder, n);
  // This code is contributed by Shrikant13


    // Stack based Javascript program to print leaf nodes 
    // from preorder traversal.
    // Print the leaf node from the given preorder of BST. 
    function leafNode(preorder, n) 
        let s = []; 
        for (let i = 0, j = 1; j < n; i++, j++) 
            let found = false
            if (preorder[i] > preorder[j]) 
                while (s.length > 0) 
                    if (preorder[j] > s[s.length - 1]) 
                        found = true
            if (found) 
                document.write(preorder[i] + " "); 
        // Since rightmost element is always leaf node. 
        document.write(preorder[n - 1]); 
    let preorder = [ 890, 325, 290, 530, 965 ]; 
    let n = preorder.length; 
    leafNode(preorder, n); 
 // This code is contributed by mukesh07.


290 530 965

Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)


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