Lead position at Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) for 2024!

My interview experience for to Lead position at Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) for 2024!⭐

I applied on February 22nd and, after two weeks, received a test mail comprising 10 aptitude and technical questions, along with a behavioral round. The questions were quite challenging, but I was thrilled to move on to the next stage!

After passing the test, I was invited for an interview. I dedicated six days to preparation, focusing on reviewing others’ interview experiences and brushing up on technical questions.

On April 20th at 11 AM, I joined the interview 10 minutes early. The interviewer, along with some other individuals whose roles I wasn’t certain about. After confirming my comfort, the interview began.

Here’s a brief overview of the interview:

1. Self-Introduction: I kept it concise.

2. Motivation for Applying to GDSC: Explained my motivations and how I fit to the position.

3. Past Events and Difficulties: Discussed how I managed and organized previous events and Difficulties over the year as a team member.

4. Scenario-Based Questions: Addressed how I would handle various situations.

5. Projects: Shared insights into my projects.

6. Future Plans: Talked about my aspirations to the club.

7. Handling Negative People: Provided my approach to managing negative people.

8. Technical Questions: Covered topics like OOP concepts, time complexities, and basic DSA questions.

The Interview gone for around 30 minutes because I replied very shortly to all questions so the interviewer started to ask lot of questions and the interviewer was very cool and adjusted very well To my silly mistake in the interview but it’s normel.?

Now, I’m eagerly waiting for the results. Fingers crossed!?

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