Lead Acetate Formula

Lead is a periodic table element with the atomic number 82. It is a metal that people have utilised for ages, dating back to 7000 BC. The element is found in small quantities in a variety of minerals, with the exception of sulphide and lead glance (PBS), which are used to manufacture the metal across the world. It is a white shiny metal with a soft texture that is very malleable. In addition to being a good conductor of electricity, the metal is very corrosion-resistant. When burned in the air, the metal in powdered form generates a bluish-white blaze.


The chemical formula for acetate is C2H3O2. It is sometimes referred to as Acetate Ion or Monoacetate. It is a salt produced when acetic acid is combined with alkaline, metallic, earthy, nonmetallic, or other bases.

Lead Acetate

Lead acetate is a white crystalline substance with the chemical formula Pb(C2H3O2)2. It has a sweetish flavour. Lead acetate may be produced by boiling lead in hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid. It is hazardous, like other lead compounds. It is also known as Lead Sugar, Lead Diacetate, Plumbous Acetate, Saturn Salt, and Goulard’s Powder. Lead is a Group IV A element with the majority of its compounds having a +2 state. The IUPAC name for lead acetate is Lead (II) Ethanoate.

Structure of Lead Acetate

Lead Acetate Structure

Physical Properties of Lead Acetate

Lead acetate other names  Plumbous Acetate, Salt Of Saturn, Goulard’s Powder,
lead (II) ethanoate
Appearance Colourless Efflorescent Crystals or white powder
Melting Point 280 °C (anhydrous)
75 °C (trihydrate)
22 °C (decahydrate)
Boiling Point  Decomposes
Density 3.25 g/cm³ (anhydrous)
2.55 g/cm3 (trihydrate)
1.69 g/cm3 (decahydrate)
Molar Mass 325.29 g/mol (anhydrous)
379.33g/mol (trihydrate)
Solubility in Water Soluble in water

Chemical Properties of Lead Acetate

  • When it interacts with hydrogen sulphide, it produces lead sulphide and acetic acid.

Pb(C2H3O2)2 + H2S → PbS + 2CH3COOH

  • Lead chromate and potassium acetate are formed when it reacts with potassium chromate.

K2CrO4 + Pb(C2H3O2)2 → PbCrO4 + 2CH3COOK

Uses of Lead Acetate

  • Lead acetate has a sweet flavour. It is utilised as a sugar replacement in foods and beverages because of its feature. However, due to its poisonous nature, which can induce lead poisoning, its use as a sweetener is restricted.
  • Cosmetics involve lead acetate. However, its usage has been prohibited due to its carcinogenic qualities.
  • A traditional cure for sore nipples is an aqueous solution of lead acetate.
  • The hazardous hydrogen sulphide gas is detected using lead acetate.
  • It was used to make slow matches in the Middle Ages.

FAQs on Lead Acetate Formula

Question 1: What is the toxicity level of lead acetate?


Lead acetate is a component of lead and, as such, is hazardous. Although lead acetate has a sweet flavour, it is not used in the manufacturing of any food items due to its toxicity. Furthermore, lead acetate has been used as a cosmetic, but it has been discovered that it is carcinogenic, thus its use in cosmetics has been restricted. Considering these factors, lead acetate is very poisonous and hazardous to human health.

Question 2: What happens when lead acetate is heated?


When heated and burned, it decomposes. This emits hazardous and corrosive fumes, such as lead oxides and acetic acid.

Question 3: How is lead acetate dissolved in water?


To prepare a Lead Acetate Solution, dissolve 40 g Pb(CH3COO)2H2O in water, add 0.5 mL CH3COOH, and dilute to 100 mL. To prepare Tribasic Lead Acetate Standard Solution, add 5 g of the salt in a 500-mL Erlenmeyer flask, add 200 mL of water, and vigorously shake.

Question 4: What happens when you add lead acetate to protein?


Lead salts, especially lead acetate, tend to form insoluble salts and protein complexes. Because broth culture media includes a high concentration of proteins, so when lead acetate is added, a white precipitate forms.

Question 5: What components are found in lead acetate?


Lead acetate is a chemical compound and has a white crystalline structure and is poisonous in nature. Lead acetate is produced by boiling lead in hot hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid. Thus, lead and hydrogen are present in lead acetate.

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